EBEX Will Grainger Workshop on future ground-based CMB experiments Cambridge July 2009
Collaboration APC – Paris Radek Stompor Berkeley Lab Julian Borrill Christopher Cantalupo Ted Kisner Federico Stivoli Brown University Andrei Korotkov Greg Tucker Yuri Vinokurov CalTech Tomotake Matsumura Columbia University Daniel Chapman Joy Didier Seth Hillbrand Michele Limon Amber Miller Britt Reichborn- Kjennerud IAS-Orsay Nicolas Ponthieu Julien Grain IAS-Princeton Matias Zaldarriaga Amit Yadav Cardiff Peter Ade Will Grainger Enzo Pascale Imperial College Andrew Jaffe LAL-Orsay Matthieu Tristram McGill University Francoie Aubin Matt Dobbs Kevin MacDermid Graeme Smecher NIST Gene Hilton Kent Irwin Carl Reintsema SISSA-Trieste Carlo Baccigalupi Sam Leach University of California/Berkeley Brad Johnson Adrian Lee Xiaofan Meng Huan Tran University of Minnesota/Twin Cities Asad Aboobaker Chaoyun Bao Shaul Hanany Hannes Hubmayr Terry Jones Jeff Klein Michael Milligan Dan Polsgrove Ilan Sagiv Kate Raach Kyle Zilic Weizmann Institute of Science Lorne Levinson Observational Cosmology - University of Minnesota
EBEX – E and B Experiment Balloon based, TES detectors SMB HWP for modulation. Frequency modulation for mux. NA test/engineering flight; 13h duration. Freq GHz BW GHz Pixels (light) SensitivityExpected Resol’n being8’ measured8’ at moment…8’ LDB flight; 14 days, l = FreqBWPixelsNET /band µT √sec Resol’n ’ ’ ’
Timescales and commitment NA test flight happened; –13 hour flight, June 10 th –Data analysis underway. LDB flight –Fully funded for build and flight –Flight planned for Dec –Planning for a flight >14 days. UK is a 5% contributor AR coating for optical components, HWP, filters. Flight support. Data analysis.
Predictions for LDB If r = 0.1, S/N>5 r < 0.02 at 2σ (excluding systematic and foreground subtraction uncertainties)