HMI Science Analysis Plan Magnetic ShearTachocline Differential Rotation Meridional Circulation Near-Surface Shear LayerActivity ComplexesActive Regions SunspotsIrradiance VariationsFlare Magnetic ConfigurationFlux EmergenceMagnetic Carpet Coronal energeticsLarge-scale Coronal FieldsSolar WindFar-side Activity EvolutionPredicting A-R Emergence IMF Bs Events Brightness Images Global Helioseismolog y Processing Local Helioseismolog y Processing Filter grams Line-of-sight Magnetograms Vector Magnetograms Doppler Velocity Continuum Brightness Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Coronal magnetic Field Extrapolations Coronal and Solar wind models Far-side activity index Deep-focus v and c s maps (0-200Mm) High-resolution v and c s maps (0-30Mm) Carrington synoptic v and c s maps (0-30Mm) Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ), And sound speed, c s (r,Θ,Φ), Maps (0-30Mm) Internal sound speed, c s (r,Θ) (0<r<R) Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ) (0<r<R) Vector Magnetic Field Maps Science Objective Data Product Processing Observables HMI Data
JSOC - HMI Pipeline HMI Data Analysis Pipeline Doppler Velocity Heliographic Doppler velocity maps Tracked Tiles Of Dopplergram s Stokes I,V Filte rgra ms Continu um Brightne ss Tracked full-disk 1-hour averaged Continuum maps Brightness feature maps Solar limb parameters Stokes I,Q,U,V Full-disk 10-min Averaged maps Tracked Tiles Line-of-sight Magnetograms Vector Magnetograms Fast algorithm Vector Magnetograms Inversion algorithm Egression and Ingression maps Time-distance Cross- covariance function Ring diagrams Wave phase shift maps Wave travel times Local wave frequency shifts Spherical Harmonic Time series To l=1000 Mode frequencies And splitting Brightness Images Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Coronal magnetic Field Extrapolations Coronal and Solar wind models Far-side activity index Deep-focus v and c s maps (0-200Mm) High-resolution v and c s maps (0-30Mm) Carrington synoptic v and c s maps (0-30Mm) Full-disk velocity, v(r,Θ,Φ), And sound speed, c s (r,Θ,Φ), Maps (0-30Mm) Internal sound speed, c s(r,Θ) (0<r<R) Internal rotation Ω(r,Θ) (0<r<R) Vector Magnetic Field Maps HMI Data Data ProductProcessing Level-0 Level-1
Magnetic Fields Stokes I,V Filte rgra ms Stokes I,Q,U,V Full-disk 10-min Averaged maps Tracked Tiles Line-of-sight Magnetograms Vector Magnetograms Fast algorithm Vector Magnetograms Inversion algorithm Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Coronal magnetic Field Extrapolations Coronal and Solar wind models Vector Magnetic Field Maps Code: Stokes I,V, Lev0.5 V & LOS field J. Schou S. Tomzcyk Status: in development Code: Stokes I,Q,U,V J. Schou S. Tomzcyk Status: in development
Line-of Sight Magnetic Field Stokes I,V Filte rgra ms Line-of-sight Magnetograms Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Synoptic Magnetic Field Maps Magnetic Footpoint Velocity Maps Code: LOS magnetograms J. Schou S. Tomzcyk R. Ulrich (cross calibration) Status: in development Code: LOS magnetic maps T. Hoeksema R. Bogart Status: in development Code: Synoptic Magnetic Field Maps T. Hoeksema E. Benevolenskaya X. Zhao R. Ulrich Status: in development See Detail Code: Velocity Maps of Magnetic Footpoints Y. Liu G. Fisher Status: Almost Ready to port See Detail
Vector Magnetic Field Filte rgra ms Stokes I,Q,U,V Full-disk 10-min Averaged maps Tracked Tiles Vector Magnetograms Fast algorithm Vector Magnetograms Inversion algorithm Coronal magnetic Field Extrapolations Coronal and Solar wind models Vector Magnetic Field Maps Code: fastrack R. Bogart Status: needs modifications for fields Code: Vector Field Fast and Inversion Algorithms J. Schou S. Tomzcyk Status: in development Code: Vector Field Maps & Ambiguity Resolution T. Hoeksema Y.Liu KD Leka,CORA Status: in development See Details Code: Coronal Field Extrapolations T.Hoeksema Y.Liu, X.Zhao C. Schrijver S.T. Wu Status: in development Additional 2 FTE ? See Details Code: Coronal Magnetic Field Topological Properties J.Linker V. Titov Status: needs implementation Code: Solar Wind Models X.Zhao K.Hayashi J.Linker S.T. Wu Status: in development 0.5 FTE? See Details Needs additional FTEs
Coronal and Solar wind Properties Surface Plasma Flows HMI Science Analysis Plan – Magnetic Topics Filter grams Line-of-sight Magnetograms Vector Magnetograms Line-of-Sight Magnetic Field Maps Coronal Magnetic Field Extrapolations (non MHD) Vector Magnetic Field Maps Magnetic Data Products Magnetic Observables HMI Data THoeksema YLiu JBeck, YLiu, XPZhao, KHayashi YLiu, Schrijver THoeksema, JSchou, HAO YLiu, JSchou, *HAO Continuum Brightness RBush, JSchou 9-3A Magnetic Shear 1-1A Tachocline 3-1B Differential Rotation 2-1C Meridional Circulation 4-1D Near-Surface Shear Layer 6-2B Active Regions 7-2C Sunspots 12-3D Magnetic Carpet+Heating 10-3B Flare/CME Mag. Config 11-3C Flux Emergence 13-4A Coronal Energetics AIA]1 14-4B Large-scale B, Ph+Cor 15-4C Solar Wind + Evol, Struct 16-5A Far-side Activity Evolution 17-5B Predicting A-R Emergence 18-5C IMF Bs Events 5-2A Activity Complexes, Cycle 8-2D Irradiance Variations 19 Topology Structure over AR Benevolenskaya, Bai Hoeksema Bai Bush Kosovichev Beck LM,Hayashi YLiu Hayashi, LM YLiu LM Schrijver, YLiu XPZhao Bai Scherrer Hayashi ?? 20 B-Polar, Large/Small Int Benevolenskaya
Incomplete Magnetic Topic Group Affiliations (September, 2007) Tachocline - AKosovichev Meridional Circulation - AKosovichev Differential Rotation - AKosovichev Near-surface Shear Layer - JBeck Activity Complexes – Benevolenskaya, Bai, Hoeksema, Hayashi, Hurlburt, Gaizauskus, JHarvey Active Regions – THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, TBai, KHayashi, NHurlburt Sunspots – TBai, THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, NHurlburt Irradiance Variations – RBush, TBerger, PBoerner Magnetic Shear – YLiu, JBeck, KHayashi, AKosovichev, VYurchyshyn Flare/CME Magnetic Config – Hayashi, LM, YLiu, XPZhao, Bai, Kosovichev, UC-B, HWang Flux Emergence – YLiu, JBeck, Benevolenskaya, Hayashi, LM, BLites, Leka, HWang Mag. Carpet & Heating [AIA#1] – KHayashi, KSchrijver, JBeck, EBenevolenskaya Coronal Energetics [AIA] – KSchrijver, YLiu, Benevolenskaya, XPZhao, Hayashi, Leka, MCheung, UC-B, HWang Large-scale B – Ph. + Cor. - KHayashi, THoeksema, EBenevolenskaya, XPZhao Solar Wind – Evol+Struct. - Hayashi, Hoeksema, XPZhao, MWSO, CISM, Fuselier, Mikic Far-side Activity – PScherrer, CLindsey, DBraun, SAIC Predicting AR Emergence - TBai IMF Bs Events – XPZhao, YLiu, KHayashi, VYurchyshyn, Hu, SFuselier, ZMikic Magnetic Topology – YLiu, MSU-DLongcope, Barnes, SAIC-Titov Polar & Multi-scale Field – EBenevolenskaya, THoeksema
AIA Level-2
Backup Charts
Synoptic magnetic field maps Pipeline: synoptic magnetic field maps. Lead by: Todd & Xuepu. Task: Summary: based on line-of-sight magnetograms to generate synoptic maps of magnetic field. Input: remapped line-of-sight magnetograms. Output: Carrington synoptic charts (routine), synoptic frames with a cadence of as high as 1 minute (on-demand), evolved synoptic maps with a cadence of 16 minutes (routine). Code: at Stanford. Processors Status: almost ready to port. Already apply to MDI mags for Carrington rotation charts. Issues: some minor issues for synoptic frame and evolved maps.
Velocity maps of magnetic footpoints Pipeline: Velocity maps of magnetic footpoints. Lead by: UC Berkeley (Fisher & Brian) and Yang Task: Summary: based on the Local Correlation Tracking (LCT) technique, using time-series line-of-sight magnetograms to derive motion of magnetic footpoints. Input: time-series line-of-sight magnetograms. Output: velocity map with a cadence of 10 minutes. Generate on-demand and temporarily (?) stored. Code: LCT code developed by Fisher & Brian. Processors Status: almost ready to port. Already apply to MDI mags. Issues: some minor issues.
Vector magnetic field maps Pipeline: vector magnetic field maps. Lead by: Todd & Yang & K.D. Leka. Task: Summary: based on algorithms (fast and slow) to solve 180-degree ambiguity, and to map the vector magnetic field on solar surface (spherical coordinates). Input: field strength, inclination, azimuth, and filling factor. Output: Br, B_theta, B_phi at a 5-minute cadence with fast algorithm (routine), 6- hour (?) cadence with slow algorithm, and 30-minute cadence with slow algorithm for active regions. Code: developed at Boulder. Processors Status: Codes for fast and slow algorithms are available. Issues: The code of slow algorithm is too slow, and loss of its author will lead an improvement very difficult. The code of fast algorithm works for Cartesian coordinate only. Need to extend to a spherical coordinate.
Coronal field extrapolation Pipeline: coronal field extrapolation. Lead by: Schrijver & Keiji & Yang Task: Summary: based on potential field and force free field models to compute coronal field from vector magnetograms. Also seek possible MHD solutions. Input: vector magnetograms for local regions and vector field synoptic maps. Output: one global NLFFF solution (3D vector field) per day, one global MHD solution (3D vector field) per day, one PFSS & HCCSSS solutions (3D vector field) per day. Global solutions and solutions(3D vector field) for local region with a cadence as high as the data temporary resolution (on-request). Code: Potential field codes at Stanford, NLFFF provided by Thomas Wiegelmann at Germany (in C, on a 4 processor machine, for 320x320x256, 4GB memory, 1 hour CPU time), global MHD solution at SAIC, local MHD code provided by Wu at Alabama (in Fortran, one processor, 15 CPU hours for 99x99x99; not allow parallel computation) (and Abbete at Berkeley ?) Processors: Status: all codes are ready to port except MHD code for global solution with vector field data as input. Issues: global MHD simulation with vector field data as input needs to be tested. better visualization tool is required.
Coronal & solar wind models Pipeline: coronal & solar wind models. Lead by: Linker & Zhao & Hayashi Task: Summary: MHD simulation to model coronal structure (steady state) with vector field data as an input. Also seek dynamic solutions driven by time- series data. Empirical solar wind models from PFSS-like result computed from magnetic field synoptic maps (i.e. WSA model); MHD solar wind model from synoptic maps. Input: vector magnetograms for local regions and vector field synoptic maps. Output: 3D plasma data. Code: Potential field codes at Stanford, global MHD solution at SAIC, local MHD code provided by Wu at Alabama (in Fortran, one processor, 15 CPU hours for 99x99x99; not allow parallel computation) (and Abbete at Berkeley ?) Processors: Status: Issues:
Magnetic-Fields Pipeline Status 11/5/2007
Vector Magnetic Field Lead – Todd Hoeksema, Yang Liu Tasks –Field inversion –Azimuth disambiguation –Vector magnetogram generation –Coordinate transformation and remapping –Calibration –Synoptic chart/ Synoptic frame generation –Potential field processing –MHD processing –NLFFF processing –Solar wind model processing
Vector Magnetic Field (cont’d.) Input –Lev 0 data from both vector and LOS cameras, rebinned and averaged spatially/temporally –Dataseries names ??? Level 1 Output –I, Q, U, V – data possibly saved in series, size is 16 MPx ea. image –|B|, inclination, azimuth, filling factor – data saved in series ???, size is 16 MB ea. –Cadence for all is ~ 3 min. –Coordinate-transformer module is a deliverable
Vector Magnetic Field (cont’d.) Level 2 Output –Synoptic charts – data saved in series ???, cadence ???, size ??? –Frames – data saved in series ???, cadence ???, size ??? –Global potential field – data saved in series ???, cadence is 1 hr., size is small –Local potential field – data saved ???, cadence is on-demand, size is ??? –Low res global MHD – saved for short duration in series ???, cadence is 1 day, size is ~ 1MB –Hi res global MHD – data saved ???, cadence is ???, size is ??? –Hi res local MHD – data saved ???, cadence is on-demand, size is ??? –MHD temporary/intermediate files – data saved for 2 weeks in series ???, size is 100 MB –Local NLFFF – data saved ???, cadence is on-demand, size is ??? –Solar wind models – data saved ???, cadence is ???, size is ???
Vector Magnetic Field (cont’d.) Code –Rebin/avg module (Rick???) –inversion code from HAO (S. Tomczyk, but we create module) –“fast” azimuth-disambiguation module (???) –“slow” azimuth-disambiguation module (Yang) –coordinate-transformation/remapping (Yang) –global potential field (Yang) –local potential field (Yang) –MHD (Keiji + SAIC) –NLFFF (Yang + Keiji) –Solar wind models (???)
Vector Magnetic Field (cont’d.) Processors –32 (field inversion) –8 (low-res global MHD) –8 (hi-res local MHD), –??? (slow disambiguation) –2 (fast disambiguation) –1 (rebinning/averaging), –??? (coordinate transformation/remapping), –1 (calibration), –0 (hi-res global MHD – runs at CCMC), –??? (NLFFF – 40 CPU hours) –??? (Solar wind models)
Vector Magnetic Field (cont’d.) Status – ??? (how much is done), NLFFF algorithm selected (IDL and C implementation exist) Plan/Issues –Are we saving I, Q, U, V products? –Slow azimuth disambiguation algorithm TBD. –Coordinate-transformation/remapping algorithm TBD. –Calibration TBD. –Synoptic charts/frames TBD. –Global potential field processors and output data size unknown. –Hi-res local MHD is TBD. –Is time-evolved data used for NLFFF?
LOS Magnetic Field Lead – Todd Task – Generation of LOS magnetograms from lev 0 LOS data, generation of calibrated, radial LOS magnetic field maps from LOS magnetograms, generation of synoptic charts and frames Input – Lev 0 data from LOS camera (dataseries ???) Level 1 Output –Calibrated magnetic field map – data saved in series ???, cadence is 48 seconds, size is 2 MB Level 2 Output –~ 450 Radial images – data not saved, cadence is 1 day, size is 4 MB ea. –9 Charts + 18 diagnostic images (incl. off center) – data saved in series ???, cadence is 1 day, 7 MB ea. –Frames – data saved ???, cadence is on-demand, size is ???
LOS Magnetic Field (Cont’d) Code –Conversion to radial (Art) – MDI implementation exists –Remapping (Rick/Art) – MDI implementation exists –Chart creation (Keh-Cheng/Art) – MDI implementation exists –Time-evolved chart creation (???) Processors – 1 (radialize), 1 (remapping), 1 (chart creation) Status – MDI implementation exists for all code, except time- evolved chart creation, needs porting to JSOC (remapping mostly ported, needs testing) Plan/Issues – MDI port complete in a couple of months; who is doing, time-evolved chart code, and by when?