Topic 7: Volcano, disasters and early warning in the Cordillera Central J.L. Ceballos
Volcano, disasters & early warning Nevado del Huila volcano Worni, 2008
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Huila No previous historic activity 2 phreatic eruptions in February 2007 and April 2007 Crevasse formation and expulsion of large amounts of water (10 7 m 3 ) Ash fall, subaerial melting of ice QuickBird, Feb. ‘07
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Huila Failure of glacier tongue on El Oso glacier, possibly by melt water input and subsequent destabilization of the glacier base
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Huila Two massive lahars: April 2007 and November 2008: several 100 million m 3 !! Affected areas: along Río Páez (150 km !) 18 April 2007
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Huila 20 November 2008
Volcano, disasters & early warning Risk Vulnerability Hazard Risk R = f (H, V)
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Ruíz Volcaón Cerro Machín
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Machín Ingeominas
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Machín Ingeominas
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Machín Ingeominas
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Machín Hazard map Machín volcano Ibagué Cajamarca Cerro Machín Ingeominas
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Ruíz Nevado del Ruíz volcano Huggel et al. 2007
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Ruíz Views on Nevado del Ruíz volcano Ramírez/ Ceballos
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Ruíz Active lahar channels
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Ruíz Nevado del Ruíz volcano R. Janda, USGS The Armero 1985 disaster - ~23,000 people killed
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Ruíz The Armero disaster - then …and now
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Nevado del Tolima volcano / Combeima valley
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima The Combeima valley – a tropical, steep-terrain region...with an ice-capped active volcano at the valley head
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Lahar (debris flow) scenarios for the Combeima valley in Colombia Nevado del Tolima Volcano M. Künzler, 2008
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Frequent landslide strike this valley... June 2006 July 2009 Cruz Roja
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Destroyed school – a hot topic Very high discharge debris flows Cruz Roja
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Hazard, vulnerability and risk study M. Künzler, 2008
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Total vulnerability M. Künzler, 2008
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Resulting risk for Ibagué M. Künzler, 2008
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Risk for local communities M. Künzler, 2008
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Livelihood conditions in landslide prone regions of Combeima
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Livelihood conditions in flood endangered areas of Ibagué
Volcano, disasters & early warning: Combeima Military controls Preparedness courses with communities
Volcano, disasters & early warning Guiding questions for group work: Where are the hotspots of volcano hazards in Colombia and what are possible consequences of these hazards? Are these hazards changing with ongoing impacts from climate change? How is Colombia responding to these hazards? (Government institutions, NGO’s, communities)