Project Management: Post Award Policies, Procedures and Guidelines A Tutorial for New Principal Investigators
Congratulations on your Award!!! Now what?
Mission Statement The University of Hartford encourages faculty and staff to seek external funding and engage in projects that support the mission and goals of the University, in particular, those projects that support faculty research, engage students in research activities, secure equipment and otherwise provide additional resources for the University.
Project Management It is important to note that you assume a number of duties and responsibilities as the Principal Investigator (PI) or Project Director.
PI Responsibilities PIs are responsible for the programmatic and fiscal administration of the grant or contract, and the conduct of the project in compliance with sponsor and University regulations and guidelines.
PI Staff If staff are working with you on budget administration, it is your responsibility to train and supervise them in accordance with sponsor and University regulations.
Project Management The following online tutorial is designed as a broad overview of polices and procedures for the new PI. You are strongly encouraged to attend a Grants Management workshop, or contact either the Grants Office (x4635) or Financial Accounting Services (x4652) with questions.
Regulations that apply to externally sponsored activities Hierarchy Grant Specific Federal Regulations State Regulations University Regulations Agency or grant specific restrictions supercede all others. OMB Circulars A-110 and A-21 apply to all federal awards unless superceded by agency or grant specific requirements. Consistent application
Once a grant is awarded… PI Responsibilities HERE HERE Click HERE for a complete list…HERE
In particular… Submit official i.e. original notification of grant award to Grants Office. Submit subcontract specifics to Grants Office for subcontract drafting. Advise Grants Office of budget revisions.
In particular (cont’d) Submit requests for extensions to Grants Office for processing. Monitor all expenses charged to the account - -especially Facilities, Phone, Aramark, Postage -- to ensure expenditure of funds in a timely fashion.
End of grant period… Submit grant reports -- interim, progress, final -- in a timely fashion. Submit financial reporting to Accounting for review prior to submission to funder. Monitor subrecipient contract expenditures. Verify accuracy of time allocated on Time and Effort Reports; submit to Grants Office in timely fashion.
End of grant (cont’d) Document and report matching funds as required. Ensure that the project stays within the scope and objectives of the original proposal. Comply with all terms and conditions of the grant. Follow all University policies --financial and academic-- as well as the policies of the sponsoring agency.
Responsibilities Financial Accounting Services* Review Orders for Check (OFCs), Personal Expense Vouchers (PEVs), Interdepartmental Transfers (IDTs), salary rosters. No P.O.’s (purchase orders) within 30 days of end of contract. Spending stops at ending date of contract unless extension received. HERE HERE *Click HERE for complete list HERE
Financial Accounting (cont’d) Prohibit unallowable costs (Federal) alcohol, entertainment, and equipment unless allowable Process all deposits.
Financial Accounting (cont’d) Work with external auditors on Connecticut Single Audit and Federal A-133 audit. Retain records 3-5 years after last payment.
Responsibilities Grants Office* Review/negotiation of terms of award with sponsor (based on PI consultation). Process budgets, agreements, budget revisions, no cost extensions. Send memo to Financial Accounting to set up grant account. Click H HH H EEEE RRRR EEEE for complete list
Grants Office (cont’d) Draft and execute all subcontracts … i.e. Space Grant, EPSCoR, Rehab Training (specifics from PI). Monitor Reports: Progress & Final ( reminder sent to PI). Distribute and collect Time & Effort Reporting Forms.
Grants Office (cont’d)… Notify sponsor of PI change. Perform grant closeout. Retain records (3-5 years following final payment).
Again, Congratulations on your grant /contract award! CLICK HERE Please CLICK HERE to indicate that you have reviewed the Grants Management tutorial. Thanks… and good luck!!!!