HCl, f 3 2 <-<- X Agust, heima,..July08/II for f3D vhw.pxp Agust, heima,..July08/II for f3D vhwak.ppt Agust, heima,..July08/II for f3D vhwak.xls
/ from ÁK: The ”Thorey´s-system” needs to be remeasured and checked in terms of reproducibility. Furthermore, it is very important to make sure that the measurements used to derive I(35Cl+)/I(H35Cl+) for that system are not saturated with respect to the I(H35Cl+) signal, which is much stronger than I(35Cl+). Below (slide 3) you see relevant figure and Thorey´s analysis. It could be that all the ratios which she derived from the experiments are too high because of saturation effects. Hence I suggest that you do new measurements and make sure that neither the 35Cl+ or H37Cl+ signals are saturated and derive I(35Cl+)/I(H37Cl+) to compare with the theory (instead of I(35Cl+)/I(H35Cl+)).
J´ I(35Cl+)/I(H35Cl+) Thorey´s thesis p: 6 VHW(250708) => It looks as if there is some saturation effect in Thorey´s data compared to the data by VHW
I(35Cl+)/I(H35Cl+) VHW I(35Cl+)/I(H37Cl+) J´
I(35Cl+)/I(H35Cl+) Thorey Thesis p: 6 VHW(250708) VHW(280708) => looks like some saturation effect in the data compared to the data for J´= 3-6 (?) Increasing Saturation(?)
I(35Cl+)/I(H35Cl+) VHW I(35Cl+)/I(H37Cl+) J´ Probably no saturation in J’ = 2-5; Possibly some saturation effect in 35 Cl+/H 35 Cl+ for J´= 6-7 (judging from comparison of the two data)
J35Cl+H35Cl+H37Cl+35Cl+/H35Cl+35Cl+/H37Cl+H37Cl+/H35Cl E E E E E E E E E E E E E E+01 NB!: expectation value is: 100 * I(H37Cl)/I(H35Cl) = 100*25/75 = 33.3 The data in column H37Cl+/H35Cl+ could mean that there are still some saturation effects in J´= 3-6 (??) since The ratio is found to be significantly less than 33.3 (i.e ). However there is slight relative shift of mass peaks for H35Cl+ and H37Cl+, hence the ratios might deviate from the expectation value. VHW will try to Evaluate relative intensity values by integration over excitation wavelengths as well as mass Above data:
VHW remeasured peak intensities: NB: since the Cl+ peak is very weak one needs to take great care in the integration procedure. After remeasuring the data from , the following curve was obtained: J´ I(35Cl+)/ I(H35Cl+) I(35Cl+)/ I(H37Cl+)
J´ 35Cl+ H35Cl+ H37Cl+ 35Cl+/H35Cl+ 35Cl+/H37Cl+ Above data: