IS112 Computer Organization and Programming Professor Catherine Dwyer Fall 2004
IS112 - Computer Organization Agenda Introductions Syllabus Class Schedule Blackboard web site Technical knowledge and the IS professional Assignment for next class
IS112 - Computer Organization Catherine Dwyer Lecturer IS Dept. Full time since Fall 2000 Other classes taught: CS121, CS122, CIS101, IS112, IS223, IS323, IS396E (Java), IS660Z(Programming Games Using VB) Lead developer for Web Assisted CIS101 Revision Chair for IS Undergraduate curriculum Co-author with Dr. Jeanine Meyer of Programming Games With Visual Basic, Course Technology, 2001
IS112 - Computer Organization My IS Background MS in CS (Pace), enrolled in IS PhD program at NJIT Two daughters, college freshman and 7th grade Prior Experience: Programmer/Analyst at NYC investment bank, Technology Coordinator at Graphics Design Firm Husband journalist with The New York Times Hobbies: reading, bike riding, kayaking, cooking You?
IS112 - Computer Organization BS and BBA IS Curriculum How does IS 112 fit into IS curriculum? What should you get out of taking IS 112?
IS112 - Computer Organization IS 112 Course Goals Students will develop technical research, analysis, and communication skills – Research – where/how to find information? – Analysis – is information unbiased and accurate? – Communication – organize and synthesize your findings and present to a non-technical audience
IS112 - Computer Organization IS Accreditation National IS organization has created criteria and standards for an IS degree Document available at Accredited programs provide higher quality and consistency Pace was first program in US to obtain accreditation
IS112 - Computer Organization IS’ Description (IS112) Covers hardware/software technology background in order to understand tradeoffs in computer architecture within a business environment IS professional: understand business requirements, research technology options, describe and recommend solutions
IS112 - Computer Organization IS Topics Hardware: CPU architecture, memory, registers, addressing modes, busses, instruction sets, multi processors versus single processors; peripheral devices: hard disks, CDs, video display monitors, device controllers, input/output; operating systems functions and types; operating system modules: processes, process management, memory and file system management; examples of hardware architectures; examples of operating systems; installation and configuration of multiuser operating systems.
IS112 - Computer Organization Syllabus and schedule Overview of course requirements and assignments CS/IS Student Statement of Responsibilities
IS112 - Computer Organization Assignments and Grading Regular homework (based on readings and class discussion) – 20 pts Two person presentation (simple machine) – 15 pts Research paper and individual presentation – 20 pts Midterm – 20 pts Final – 25 pts
IS112 - Computer Organization Blackboard 6.0 Link is at Your login is beginning of Pace address (drop Password is social security number with no dashes and no spaces Find your ID at
IS112 - Computer Organization What if it doesn’t work? Access class documents at Report problem to
IS112 - Computer Organization IS112 & Blackboard Reading schedule & list of assignments Submit homework Discussion forums Online reading assignments If Blackboard is unavailable documents can be obtained at
IS112 - Computer Organization Your Pace Student All from me will go to your Pace student e- mail account To access your student go to Use mail forwarding if you use another account Include your FULL NAME in all s sent to your professors Go to for help with
IS112 - Computer Organization Why study technology? What do you need to know about technology? Where can you find reliable sources of information on technology?
IS112 - Computer Organization Role of IS Professional Research, recommend, develop, install, configure, and maintain information technology (IT) based solutions to business and organizational needs
IS112 - Computer Organization IS Professional Role Good advice is crucial This requires – Complete understanding of fundamental business goals of your company – Current and complete knowledge of potential technical solutions
IS112 - Computer Organization Assignment 1: Pervasive computing When we think of the word “computer,” we think of a desktop or a laptop But computer technology can be deployed in many other products – called “smart devices” or “embedded chips” Also known as ubiquitous computing
IS112 - Computer Organization Example of embedded chips In new cars, there is a sensor that determines weight of the front passenger If the weight is over 80 pounds the air bag is turned on (otherwise it is turned off) Airbags have been found to be dangerous for children and small adults – so this is a safety feature This sensor is an example of an embedded chip
IS112 - Computer Organization How does embedded technology work? In the case of the car, it measures the weight, determines whether it exceeds the required threshold, then turns on the airbag for adults and turns off the airbag for children In general, smart technology does the following: – Measures a condition – Compares its value to a threshold condition – Takes appropriate action based on result
IS112 - Computer Organization Week 1 Assignments Due Tuesday, Sept. 14 th, 11:15 am Discussion board assignments – introduce yourself, post your AIM screen name Assignment in week 1 forum: – Read about embedded chips – Think about how they are used in every day machines – List 5 examples and describe how they work
IS112 - Computer Organization Next class Assignments – Embedded chips posting – Read Chapter 01 in Burd text Topics – Research and analysis requirements for IS professional – Evaluating Internet based research