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Commitment, ownership, change?
SEALLL, the project SEALLL aims to improve the quality of content, delivery, management and organisation of adult learning through the introduction and promotion of self-evaluation in formal, non-formal and informal adult education.
SEALLL concept SEALLL focuses on self-evaluation as a learning process. A culture combining self- evaluation with ownership of processes and outcomes is vital for an evaluation process to have a real chance to make an impact and lead to change. Therefore the priorities of SEALLL are a bottom-up approach and guiding the ‘initiators’ in the process of conducting their own evaluation.
Self-evaluation Self-evaluation is seen to be self-initiated, internally organised and self-regulated. It should aim at the professionalisation of decision-making, at improving the achievement of the organisation’s own objectives and at enriching the quality of training, learning and management in the organisation. Where legitimacy and accountability based on externally imposed indicators are at stake, evaluation processes are referred to as external, even when they are partly internally organised.
Self The ‘self’ in self-evaluation can be an actor or a group of actors within the organisation: an individual such as a teacher, trainer, learner, programmer, or director; or a group of individuals e.g. a group of teachers, the management team, or indeed the whole staff. Evaluation is only considered self- evaluation if the initiator(s) also evaluate their own role in the process that is being evaluated.
Instruments Instruments are ‘evaluation instruments’ for collecting or gathering the necessary information. They are only self-evaluation instruments if they are used in a self- evaluation context.
Self-evaluation Initiator Evaluation objects LearnersTeachersDevelopersManagement Learning Teaching Program Organization and Management External relations
SE processes Issues to be evaluated Goals of evaluation and related /indicators Target group(s) Information needed Methods and instruments of evaluation Organisation of the evaluation process Information processing Identification of criteria/evidence Analysis/interpretation Reporting Division and allocation of tasks Time schedule
SEALLL products Manual in 6 languages Website with all material for free Practical examples on the site Grundtvig courses In-service training days Cooperation with NA
Strong points Low threshold – accessible material Bottom-up - ownership of processes Working with real problems of the participants General, generic, widely applicable & transferable Building a culture of self-evaluation Building ownership for change Difficulties Still requires training Creating indicators