External Memory Algorithms Kamesh Munagala. External Memory Model Aggrawal and Vitter, 1988.


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Presentation transcript:

External Memory Algorithms Kamesh Munagala

External Memory Model Aggrawal and Vitter, 1988

Typical Memory Hierarchy CPU L1 L2 Main Memory Disk

Simplified Hierarchy CPU Main Memory Disk Disk access is slow CPU speed and main memory access is really fast Goal: Minimize disk seeks performed by algorithm

Disk Seek Model Block 1Block 2Block 3Block 4 Disk divided into contiguous blocks Each block stores B objects (integers, vertices,….) Accessing one disk block is one seek Time = 1Time = 3Time = 2

Complete Model Specification Data resides on some N disk blocks Implies N * B data elements! Computation can be performed only on data in main memory Main memory can store M blocks Data size much larger than main memory size N  M: interesting case

Typical Numbers Block Size: B = 1000 bytes Memory Size: M = 1000 blocks Problem Size: N = 10,00,000 blocks

Upper Bounds for Sorting John von Neumann, 1945

Merge Sort Iteratively create large sorted groups and merge them Step 1: Create N/(M –1) sorted groups of size (M – 1) blocks each

Merge Sort: Step 1 B = 2; M = 3; N = 8 N/(M –1) = Main Memory

Merge Sort: Step

End of Step 1 N/(M-1) = 4 sorted groups of size (M-1) = 2 each One Scan

Merging Steps Merge (M-1) sorted groups into one sorted group Iterate until all groups merged

First Merging Step N = 8 M-1 = 2

First Merging Step _ 2 _

First Merging Step _ 2 _

First Merging Step _ _ _

First Merging Step 2 4 _

First Merging Step _ 4 _

First Merging Step _ 4 _

End of First Merge

Start of Second Merge

End of Second Merge

General Merging Step Sorted 1 scan (M –1) sorted groups One Block Merge

Overall Algorithm Repeat merging till all data sorted N/(M-1) sorted groups to start with Merge (M-1) sorted groups into one sorted group O(log N / log M) iterations Each iteration involves one scan of the data O(log N/ log M) scans: Alternatively, N log N/ log M seeks

Lower Bounds for Sorting Aggrawal and Vitter, 1988

Complexity in the RAM Model Comparison model: Only allowed operation is comparison No arithmetic permitted Try and lower bound number of comparisons Decision Tree: Input is an array of objects Every node is a comparison between two fixed locations in the array Leaf nodes of tree give sorted order of objects

Example A[1] A[2] A[3] A[1] ? A[2] < > A[3] ? A[2] > A[1] A[2] A[3] < > A[3] A[2] A[1] < <> >< A[1] ? A[3] A[1] A[3] A[2] A[3] A[1] A[2] A[2] A[1] A[3] A[2] A[3] A[1]

Decision Tree Complexity Properties of Decision Tree: Two distinct orderings cannot map to same leaf node Most sorting algorithms can be thought of as decision trees Depth of any possible tree gives lower bound on number of comparisons required by any possible algorithm

Complexity of Sorting Given n objects in array: Number of possible orderings = n! Any decision tree has branching factor 2 Implies depth log (n!) =  (n log n) What about disk seeks needed?

I/O Complexity of Sorting Input has NB elements Main memory size can store MB elements We know the ordering of all elements in main memory What does a new seek do: Read in B array elements New information obtained: Ordering of B elements Ordering of (M-1)B elements already in memory with the B new elements

Example Main memory has A < B < C We read in D,E Possibilities: D < E: D E A B C D A E B C A D B E C … D > E: E D A B C E A D B C A E B D C … 20 possibilities in all

Fan Out of a Seek Number of possible outcomes of the comparisons: This is the branching factor for a seek We need to distinguish between possible outcomes

Merge Sort Is Optimal Merge Sort is almost optimal Upper Bound for Merge Sort = O(N log N/ log M)

Improved Lower Bound Relative ordering of B elements in block unknown iff block never seen before Only N such seeks In this case, possible orders = Else, possible orders =

Better Analysis Suppose T seeks suffice For some N seeks: Branching factor = For the rest of the seeks: Branching factor =

Final Analysis Merge Sort is optimal!

Some Notation Sort(X): Number of seeks to sort X objects Scan(X): Number of seeks to scan X objects =

Graph Connectivity Munagala and Ranade, 1999

Problem Statement V vertices, E edges Adjacency list: For every vertex, list the adjacent vertices O(E) elements, or O(E/B) blocks Goal: Label each vertex with its connected component

Breadth First Search Properties of BFS: Vertices can be grouped into levels Edges from a particular level go to either: Previous level Current level Next level

Notation Front(t) = Vertices at depth t Nbr(t) = Neighbors of Front(t)

Example BFS Tree Front(1) Front(2) Front(3) Front(4) Nbr(3)

Algorithm Scan edges adjacent to Front(t) to compute Nbr(t) Sort vertices in Nbr(t) Eliminate: Duplicate vertices Front(t) and Front(t-1) Yields Front(t+1)

Complexity I Scanning Front(t): For each vertex in Front(t): Scan its edge list Vertices in Front(t) are not contiguous on disk Round-off error of one block per vertex O(Scan(E) + V) over all time t Yields Nbr(t)

Complexity II Sorting Nbr(t): Total size of Nbr(t) = O(E) over all times t Implies sorting takes O(sort(E)) I/Os Total I/O: O(sort(E)+V) Round-off error dominates if graph is sparse

PRAM Simulation Chiang, Goodrich, Grove, Tamassia, Vengroff and Vitter 1995

PRAM Model Memory Parallel Processors

Model At each step, each processor: Reads O(1) memory locations Performs computation Writes results to O(1) memory locations Performed in parallel by all processors Synchronously! Idealized model

Terms for Parallel Algorithms Work: Total number of operations performed Depth: Longest dependency chain Need to be sequential on any parallel machine Parallelism: Work/Depth

PRAM Simulation Theorem: Any parallel algorithm with: O(D) input data Performing O(W) work With depth one can be simulated in external memory using O(sort(D+W)) I/Os

Proof Simulate all processors at once: We write on disk the addresses of operands required by each processor O(W) addresses in all We sort input data based on addresses O(sort(D+W)) I/Os Data for first processor appears first, and so on

More Proof Proof continued: Simulate the work done by each processor in turn and write results to disk along O(scan(W)) I/Os Merge new data with input if required O(sort(D+W)) I/Os

Example: Find-min Given N numbers A[1…N] in array Find the smallest number Parallel Algorithm: Pair up the elements For each pair compute the smaller number Recursively solve the N/2 size problem

Quality of Algorithm Work = N + N/2 + … = O(N) Depth at each recursion level = 1 Total depth = O(log N) Parallelism = O(N/log N)

External Memory Find Min First step: W = N, D = N, Depth = 1 I/Os = sort(N) Second step: W = N/2, D = N/2, Depth = 1 I/Os = sort(N/2) … Total I/Os = sort(N) + sort(N/2) + … I/Os = O(sort(N))

Graph Connectivity Due to Chin, Lam and Chen, CACM 1982 Assume vertices given ids 1,2,…,V Step 1: Construct two trees: T1: Make each vertex point to some neighbor with smaller id T2: Make each vertex point to some neighbor with larger id

Example Graph T1 T2

Lemma  One of T1 and T2 has at least V/2 edges  Assuming each vertex has at least one neighbor  Proof is homework!  Choose tree with more edges

Implementation Finding a larger/smaller id vertex: Find Min or Find Max for each vertex O(E) work and O(log V) depth O(sort(E)) I/Os in external memory In fact, O(scan(E)) I/Os suffice!

Step 2: Pointer Doubling Let Parent[v] = Vertex pointed to by v in tree If v has no parent, set Parent[v] = v Repeat O(log V) times: Parent[v] = Parent[Parent[v]] Each vertex points to root of tree to which it belongs

Implementation Work = O(V) per unit depth Depth = O(log V) I/Os = O(log V sort(V)) Total I/Os so far: O(scan(E) + log V sort(V))

Collapsing the Graph

Procedure Create new graph: For every edge (u,v) Create edge (Parent[u], Parent[v]) O(E) work and O(1) depth O(scan(E)) I/Os trivially Vertices: v such that Parent[v] = v Number of vertices at most ¾ V

Duplicate Elimination Sort new edge list and eliminate duplicates O(E) work and O(log E) depth Parallel algorithm complicated O(sort(E)) I/Os trivially using Merge Sort Total I/O so far: O(sort(E) + log V sort(V))

Iterate Problem size: ¾ V vertices At most E edges Iterate until number of vertices at most MB For instance with V’ vertices and E’ edges: I/O complexity: O(sort(E’) + log V’ sort(V’))

Total I/O Complexity

Comparison BFS Complexity: O(sort(E) + V) Better for dense graphs (E > BV) Parallel Algorithm Complexity: O(log V sort(E)) Better for sparse graphs

Best Algorithm Due to Munagala and Ranade, 1999 Upper bound: Lower bound:  (sort(E))