The Royal Supremacy: Opposition and Enforcement
George Throckmorton MP ‘it is thought that ye have meddled with both the mother and the sister’ (when called before Henry after an oppositional speech in the Commons)
Sir Thomas More ( )
Bishop John Fisher (c )
Elizabeth Barton (Maid of Kent) ‘that in case hys Highnes proceded to thaccomplishment of the seid devorce and maried another, that then hys Majestie shulde not be kynge of this Realme by the space of one moneth after, And in the reputacion of God shuld not be kynge one day nor one houre’
Popular Defiance A Suffolk woman in 1535 reported to have called Anne Boleyn ‘a goggle-eyed whore’
Government Propaganda (1534)
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Books of Hours 2