ELearning and institutional development: Positioning the University of Vienna in the European Higher Education Area Arthur Mettinger Vice Rector Educational.


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Presentation transcript:

eLearning and institutional development: Positioning the University of Vienna in the European Higher Education Area Arthur Mettinger Vice Rector Educational and International Affairs

Major points PART ONE: Institutional perspectives – strategic aspects The University of Vienna: a brief status quo Institutional development: Changing framework conditions and windows of opportunity Developing an institutional eLearning (Blended Learning) strategy

PART TWO: eLearning at the UoV – components, dimensions and implementation The UoV „strategic box“ Support structures and activities Major challenges 2005 – 2007 Achievements: Facts & figures

The UoV: a brief status quo Founded in1365, research + education students, staff Annual budget Euro Degrees in „traditional“ system (Mag./Dr.) Degrees in „Bologna“ system (Bakk./Mag./Dr./*PhD) Legal basis for double degrees, joint degrees

Institutional development: Changing framework conditions at the European/international level emerging of EHEA, ERA, ECA - necessitates positioning of HEIs through adequate profiling - necessitates choices (cooperation and/or competition)

at the national level - University Act 2002: higher degree of institutional autonomy + accountability public funding on the basis of „performance agreements“ (as of 2007) additional funding by contracts + student fees - Implementation of Bologna → curricular reforms

at the institutional level: - higher degree of steering by leadership - internal „performance agreements“ as basis for allocation of funds - strategic development plans (research, education) - different strategies for research and education? → development of new institutional culture

Institutional development: Windows of opportunity Possibility to create a new teaching and learning culture: - student centred (student workload, learner autonomy, LLL,…) - learning outcome oriented - transparent - observing trans-national standards

Major dimensions for arriving at this new culture: - institutional agreement on basic parameters for curricula - development of (a set of) curricular models - integration of eLearning into curricula - didactic profiling

Developing an institutional eLearning strategy must be part of general institutional strategy eLearning must be seen as an investment into quality of educational process(es) eLearning must come to be regarded as object of research and development Organisational framework & administrative/technical processes must become congruent with demands of eLearning

Critical points in the development of an institutional eLearning strategy Clear definition of goals: - flexibility, individualization of learning - strengthening of theory-based reflection - creation of standards & transparency - professionalisation of HE teachers - enhancing educational cooperation (Joint Degree programs, joint modules, shared content pools etc.)

Clear focus on specific areas: - introductory phase - „seminar stage“/ Master + Doctoral levels Involvement of stakeholders Cooperation of technology – administration - didactics – content development – curriculum development Support structures Financial stability

PART TWO: eLearning at the UoV – components, dimensions and implementation

The UoV „strategic box“

Support structures and activities Intensive collaboration between New Media Support unit (UoV Computing Center) and Centre for Teaching and Learning (Vice Rectorate Educational and Int‘l Affairs) Virtual eLearning Center ( Lectures, research network, UoV eLearning Conferences (2003, 2004)

Major challenges Encourage faculties to develop eLearning strategies Intregration into curriculum development Creating incentives for teachers + integration into personnel development Further development of quality assurance + integration into overall QM of the UoV

Defining and implementing an appropriate content strategy Integration of pioneers into eLearning research and further improvement of support Integration of WebCT Vista and i3v Austrian (FNM) & European networking: (SCIL, SVC, UNICA, …)

Achievements: Facts & figures 22 eLearning projects (before implementation of WebCT in 2004) MEDIDA-PRIX 2004 for Currently 152 WebCT Vista courses (2% of total UoV courses; taken by appr students; 10%)

Budget figures: total UoV investment 2004: 20 million € eLearning investment 2004: € support € projects 6% of the UoV investment budget 2004