Name Library Media Teacher Services Credential California State University, Long Beach
Directions Use this template to organize your work throughout your program (see the objectives and standards noted in each syllabus). This product will be submitted as part of your field experience work. However, you should work on this every semester. For each standard, state the basis for your selection of evidence, hyperlink/list your evidence (student work) and synthesize what you learned; the easiest method is to link to your documents and create a CD of your entire portfolio. You may use this template or adapt it as a Web page to capture your work and competence. Be professional and creative in your presentation (e.g., fonts, images, linking buttons, etc.). The following page lists representative assignments that meet the state LMT standards. When you have finalized your e-portfolio, delete this and the following page.
Program Grid 500 Foundations of Information Info specialist, Mgt/Org, Communicate, Diversity, Relations, Literature/Literacy, Access Information analysis, observation, case study, lesson, literature presentation 510 Selection Info specialist, Admin. Leader, Communicate, Diversity, Relations, Literature/Literacy, Access Collection development plan, selection tool critique comparison, selection policies, digital collection plan, bookstore visit, trace marketing 520 Info Literacy& Reference Service Info specialist, Instructional leader, Mgt/Org, Communicate, Diversity, Relations, Access Reference assessment, Ref. Questions, lesson, Webliography/ portal, online Web Comparisons, 24/7 ref. analysis 530A Elem. Grade Materials Literature/Literacy, Instructional leader, Mgt/Org, Diversity, Relations Author web, book critiques, booktalks, lesson, reading promotion, child development analysis 530B MS/ HS Materials Literature/Literacy, Instructional leader, Mgt/Org, Communicate, Diversity, Relations, Access Book & Web critiques, author PPT, non-book bibliography, lesson, YA development study 540 Organization of InformationMgt/Org, Diversity, Access Technical assessment, cataloging, compare automation systems, research report, lesson 550 Library Media Ctr. Management Info Specialist, Instructional leader, Admin. Leader, Mgt/Org, Communicate, Relations, Diversity, Access, Professionalism Library assessment & plan, staff development, PR, Critical events, Online activities, Policy grid 570 Library Media Technologies Info Specialist, Instructional leader, Admin. Leader, Mgt/Org, Communicate, Diversity, Relations, Literature/Literacy, Access Assessments, technology plan, lesson, Web product, blog, video, online projects 580 Field ExperienceInfo Specialist, Teacher, Mgt/Org, Communicate, Diversity, Relations, Literature/Literacy, Professionalism Self-assessment, lesson, information project, administration project, portfolio 697 Directed Research Admin leadership, Mgt/org, Communicate, Relations, ProfessionalismCritiques of articles, periodicals, research; action research EDCI 625 Curriculum Analysis Info specialist, Instructional leader, Teacher, Communicate, Relations, Literature/literacy Case study, lesson, class observation, content analysis of school documents, collaboration assessment
Contents Professional statement and experience Personal information Standards Field Experience
Professional Statement and Experience My philosophy as an LMT My resume (linked document)
Personal Information Optional page for picture, interests, etc.
Library Media Teacher Standards Information Specialist Instructional Leader Teacher Administrative Leader Management and Organization Communication Diversity Human Relationships Literature and Literacy Access to Information Professionalism
Information Specialist: policy development, resource management Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Instructional Leader: lead in systematic design, implementation and assessment of curriculum instruction and learning Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Teacher: help ensure that students use resources systematically to meet learning and curriculum objectives Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Administrative Leader: lead in planning, budgeting, promoting, implementing and evaluating school library media programs to meet established educational goals Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Management and Organization: implement goals, policies and procedures for the library media program Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Communication: communicate effectively with the school and larger community Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Diversity: plan/use instructional strategies, activities and resources appropriate to diverse needs/interests/learning styles of all students Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Human Relationships: promote compatibility among students/ staff, work effectively with school community Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Literature and Literacy: know traditional/contemporary literature for youth; promote literacy and enjoyment of literature Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Access to Information: provide school community open and equitable physical/intellectual access to information/ideas Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Professionalism: show personal responsibility to profession and its role in society Choice of evidence Evidence Learning reflection
Field Experience Self-Assessment Log Teaching and Learning Project Information Access and Delivery Project Program Administration Project Final Reflection