ABLE Grant for FY 2012 Due Date May 20, 2011
Outline of Presentation Content Grant Process3-4 Planning Tool5-8 Funding Application9-12 Grant Addendum Pages 6/30/2015 2
Grant process o The submitted application consists of three main sections. Section A: Planning Tool (in CCIP) Section B: Funding Application (in CCIP) Section C: Grant Addendum (to be ed ) o The “Overview and Guidance” Document offers detailed directions on how to complete the grant. o At the end of the “Overview and Guidance” Document, there is a Checklist for your convenience to ensure that all documents are ready for submission. 6/30/2015 3
Grant process o Remember that access to CCIP is driven by roles in the Ohio Educational Directory System (OEDS-R). Make sure all the information in OED-R is up-to-date. (Your district’s OEDS-R Administrator can make these changes by going to and logging into the SAFE account. If you have any questions, please them to: ) o As you enter information into CCIP make sure you save often. The computer will time out after 60 minutes of inactivity and all information not saved will be lost. 6/30/2015 4
Planning Tool The Planning Tool will be copied from the FY 2011 grant when you choose “Create a copy of your 2011 District/Agency Plan for Fiscal Year 2012.” 1. The ABLE goal should already be in your district/agency plan, you do not need to add it again. 6/30/2015 5
Planning Tool 2. The Fiscal Resources must be added for FY To add an amount to the Fiscal Resource for FY 2012: a. Click on the Plus sign (+) in front of the Adult Basic and Literacy Education link. b.Click on the Plus sign (+) before Fiscal Resource. c. Click on the ABLE Instructional Link. d. Enter the tentative allocation for FY e. Click “SAVE”. 6/30/2015 6
Planning Tool 3. After the fiscal resources are entered, the strategies and goals can be added. The strategies that you have entered last year will still be in the Plan. They have not changed from FY If you need to delete a strategy, click the trash can icon before the strategy. The strategy and all action steps associated with it will be deleted. (Refer to Red Arrow below.) If you want to add a strategy, click on “Create Strategy.” (Refer to Blue Arrow below.) Strategies are no longer in a drop down menu so they must be typed in. Refer to the strategies listed in Appendix D of the Overview and Guidance document. 6/30/2015 7
Planning Tool 6/30/ The FY 2012 Action Steps are the same as those for FY 2011, but the descriptions for them must be updated. If you are editing an action step from FY 2011, you do not need to create a relationship for that action step. Refer to the strategies listed in Appendix D of the Overview and Guidance document. 5.Remember – All ABLE programs must enter and respond to action steps for each strategy from Strategy 1 through 3 unless exempted from Strategy 2.
Funding Application 6/30/ As you start to work on the Funding Application make sure you change the year to You will not be able to work on the grant until you change the status from “Not Started” to “Draft Started”
Funding Application 6/30/ As you complete the Budget Grid you must use the Object and Purpose Codes described in Appendix E of the Overview and Guidance document. Remember… Not less than 85 percent of allocated funds should be spent on instructional services. The 15 percent for non-instructional services include: Governance/Admin Professional Development Safety Facilities non-instructional Capital Overlay Transportation Indirect Cost
Funding Application Budget Grid (con’t) 6/30/ In addition, in FY 2012, the program will be solely responsible for paying any expenses for Professional Development. The expenses that can be covered are: Registration Travel to the training Overnight stay as a result of attending the training Staff hourly pay for attending Professional Development Other expenses related to the training. Professional Development expenses will need to be kept as a separate budget for fiscal accounting.
Funding Application 6/30/ After completing the grant, run the “Validate” column on the Sections page. Make sure you… Correct any issues that arise in “Error” messages because error messages will prevent you from going further until the issues are resolved. Any “Warning” messages should be checked but they will not stop you from submitting your grant. After “Draft Completed” is confirmed, the grant moves to the treasurer/fiscal officer for his/her approval. Once the treasurer/fiscal officer approves the grant the Superintendent/CEO must log on and approve the grant as well. After both the treasurer/fiscal officer and the superintendent/CEO have approved the grant, it will be considered submitted. Lastly, print a copy of the completed grant for your records.
Grant Addendum General Information 1.The Addendum is only available in Excel for FY Complete all the information on pages 1 and 2 of the grant. Include the service option you offer listing your partner organizations, if applicable. Enrollment Trends and Projections 3.Complete all the required information for the chart. 4.If you are not serving students in a particular category enter a “0” in that cell of the chart. 5.If you are projecting fewer students in a particular category, please include an explanation of why this is proposed. This explanation should be placed in the history log. 6/30/
Grant Addendum Budget Narrative 6.Complete the budget narrative to match the grid in the funding application. 7.There are new categories for the Professional Development Code (PD 100 and PD 200). Be careful when you enter these numbers, making sure they match the codes in the budget grid. 8.Table 2 is a New Table. This table is a check to ensure that the Administrative costs do not exceed 15 percent. All the values are pulled from the budget narrative. 6/30/ This statement will indicate whether you are over or under the 15%. If you are over the 15%, you must reduce the number or call your regional consultant to negotiate the expenses. The percent is calculated based on the total budget and the totals from the items in the table.
Grant Addendum Budget Narrative 9.Tables 3 and 4 reflect specific costs for corrections and distance education respectively. 10.The amounts on the cover page and the Table must agree. Table 4 works the same way for Distance Education. 6/30/ The above table is Table 3 in the budget narrative section. The table provides a total for the costs for Corrections Education in your program. It then pulls the number that was entered on the front page of the grant. If the numbers are different, the note will indicate that you need to correct the difference. If the numbers match, no changes are needed.
Grant Addendum Personnel Section 11.Complete the table for personnel. The table is separated by the function of the individual. If someone is in two functions, separate the salary into the appropriate tables. 12.There is a new column in this table. This column asks you to check ( ) if the person is paid by a purchase service contract. 13.The totals for the table will determine the total for the personnel receiving salaries and the personnel receiving payment based on a purchased service contract. You do not have to calculate these numbers. The program does it automatically. 6/30/
Grant Addendum Personnel Section 14. The summary table is new. This table pulls the numbers from the previous table and determines the grand totals for each category. You do not have to calculate anything, the program does this for you. 6/30/
Grant Addendum Instructional Sites Page 15.Make sure this table is completed. There are no changes from last year on this table. Assurances 16.Part 1 of the Assurances is new. It is a new federal requirement that all grantees have a DUNS number and a CCR. Most school systems have this number already. Contact your administration personnel about the DUNS number. If your agency does not have a DUNS, it will have to be provided. 17.CCR (Central Contractor Registry) must be updated within the past year. Complete the information on this page. This can be gotten from the administration of your agency as well. 6/30/
Grant Addendum Assurances (con’t) 18.The assurances have several new statements. Please read particular statements #2, 6, and 23 before you and your administrators sign the form. 19.Electronic signatures are allowed since all grants will be submitted electronically. 6/30/
FY 2012 ABLE Grant Reminders READ THE GUIDANCE FIRST! ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING BEFORE STARTING THE GRANT. Check all CCIP and Addendum grant sections carefully for content and alignment, e.g. enrollment, components, budget, etc. For Consortia programs, review, update and submit partner MOUs and/or Signature Page information as needed to ensure that grant addendum information reflects current partnership(s) status. When working in CCIP, save often or work will be lost. Due date for FY 2012 ABLE Instructional and EL/Civics grant applications (CCIP and Addendums) is Friday, May 20 at 5:00pm. Please send addendums to Good luck!
If you have any questions, please contact your Regional Consultant by phone at or by at the addresses below. Donna Albanese, State ABLE Consultant Karen Scheid, State ABLE Consultant Cynthia Zengler, State ABLE Consultant 6/30/