Double Pendulum
Coupled Motion Two plane pendulums of the same mass and length. Coupled potentials The displacement of one influences the other Coupling is small Define two angles 1, 2 as generalized variables. mm ll
Coupled Equations The Lagrangian has two variables. Two EL equationsTwo EL equations The equations are coupled in the generalized coordinates.
Uncoupled Variables Add and subtract the two equations to get a different pair of equations. Define two new generalized variables. 1, 2 There are two characteristic frequencies. One from each equation
Configuration Space A simple pendulum can move in a circle. 1-dimensional configuration space1-dimensional configuration space Represented by a circle S 1Represented by a circle S 1 The double pendulum moves in two circles. 2-dimensional space Circles are independent Represented by a torus S 1 S 1
Local Configuration Motion near equilibrium takes place in a small region of configuration space. Eg. 2-D patch of the torus Synchronized oscillations would be a line or ellipse. Lissajous figures Torus: S 1 S 1
Quadratic Potential An arbitrary potential may involve many variables. Assume time-independentAssume time-independent Generalized coordinatesGeneralized coordinates Small oscillations occur near equilibrium. Define as the originDefine as the origin Zero potentialZero potential Near equilibrium the potential can be expanded to second order.
Small Oscillation Lagrangian The potential and kinetic energies can be expressed with matrix terms. Symmetric matrices Matrices G and V imply the form of equations of motion. Matrix G -1 V not generally diagonal next