The Do’s and Don’ts of Dating Lesson Number One: The First Date
Part One: When Popping the Question, Some Tips to Consider… Pop In A Breath Mint: He or she will thank you for it later. Rehearse What You Want To Say: Knowing what you want to say and how to say it shows confidence. Confidence = HOT Dress Comfortably: When you wear something you feel comfortable in, you’ll feel confident and it will show. (Read: Don’t dress like a slob…) CONFIDENCE is KEY!
Part Two: Things to Do, Places to See… The Classic (if not mundane) Dinner and a Movie Bowling! (A little competition never killed anybody…) Mini Golf (Who’s got the better form?) Ice Skating (He/she with iron…resolve…shall skate the victor…) Go-Karting (The better driver will triumph…) Hiking (One with the stamina shall persevere…) Picnic in the Park (For the die-hard romantics…)
Part Three: After Question Has Been Popped…Things to Think About Fellas… What to Wear: Wear something that fits where you’re going. Consider this: if it’s cold outside, don’t wear shorts and a t-shirt. …Nooooo! Primping Time: Don’t spend too much time for 2 reasons: 1) You might end up late and not get a date and 2) You look prettier than your date. Bringing the Girl a Flower: A fabulous gesture, truly. Just don’t bring her a “flower of death.” (Read: Each flower has a meaning. Just because it’s pretty doesn’t mean it means something nice.) Peach Rose = Desire Yellow Carnation = Rejection
Part Three: After Question Has Been Popped…Tidbits for the Ladies… Don’t Wear So Much Warpaint (AKA Makeup): There’s something to be said about natural beauty…it’s just better. If you aren’t careful Wear Appropriate Attire: If you’re going bowling, don’t wear a skirt; more might end up flashing than the cameras at the nearby birthday party. …Noooooo! Don’t Be Late: Do you really want to give the guys more ammo on the “girls are always late” thing? Speaking for the rest of the female population… NO!
First Date Destinations A Survey of 50 Men and 50 Women Ages December 8, 2005
Biggest Annoyances in a Date A Survey of 50 Men and 50 Women Ages December 9, 2005
Kissing on the First Date: Yay or Nay? A Survey of 50 Men and 50 Women Ages December 18, 2005
Possible Outcomes of the First Date… First Date Was so bad that neither participant can fathom enduring another…experience. Would prefer gouging one’s eye out with a fork. Snowball’s Chance In Hell of a Second Date Neither participant felt the other was terribly repulsive or offensive…like lukewarm water. Second Date Has Potential Instant attraction - there were so many fireworks that the 4 th of July looked tame. Second Date FOR SURE
Last Minute Tips…Ladies and Gents… Be Yourself: There’s nothing worse than pretending to be something you’re not. Your date is also going out with you because they see something special – don’t disillusion them by putting up a façade. Compliment Your Date: Don’t say something superficial and generic (ie. you look hot); actually look for something that stands out (ie. that color brings out the blue in your eyes). NO BAD BREATH!!! Halitosis is a turn off ladies and gents. Mints or gum can come in handy…especially for the potential kiss goodnight =D