4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 1 Internet Services Manager Click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Internet Services Manager
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 2 Virtual Server & Virtual Directory
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 3 Virtual Directory
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 4 Remote Virtual Directory
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 5 Virtual Server (2.0&3.0)
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 6 Add IP Aliase in TCP/IP Property
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 7 Add IP Aliases
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 8 MS Management Console (4.0)
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 9 Action Menu
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 10 Remote IIS Management To enable remote use of Internet Service Manager (HTML) to administer this server, go to the server and use Internet Service Manager to update the IP address restrictions for the Web site IISADMIN: – Use the start menu to open Internet Service Manager – Expand the Web Site you are connecting to – Select the IISADMIN Virtual Directory – Right mouse click and select properties – Select the directory security tab – Edit the IP address and domain name restrictions
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 11 Active Server Page It is a server-side scripting environment for creating dynamic content. ASP are files with.asp extension, containing HTML tags, text, and script commands. Provides an “easy-to-use” alternative to CGI and ISAPI. Allow content developers to embed any ActiveX script language or server component into their HTML pages. Tutorial available through option pack menu. Provide access to ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) connector. Typical VBscript (Visual Basic Scripting Edition) is used to provide dynamic content. MS JScript.
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 12 Create ASP with DB access Create an Signup MS Access Database, signup.mdb on the NT workstation right by Bilbo. Transfer the signup.mdb to the c:\cs401\scripts directory on Frodo NT server. Setup ODBC system Data Source Name for the signup.mdb. Create a virtual directory with aliase cs401scripts with physical path c:\cs401\scripts using MS management console. Create a search.htm web page using FrongPage or other editor. It asks for the last name in a form and submit the request to retrieve the whole record of the signup database. Put the search.htm in c:\cs401\www. Create a virtual directory with alias cs401www with physical path c:\cs401\www using MS management console. Create an Active Server Page, response.asp, which o uses VBscript to retrieve the last name from the form input, o accesses the signup database for the record o return a web page in a table format with all the record with last name matching the input.
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 13 Create a signup MS Access Database Select Start | Programs | Microsoft Access Click the "Blank Database" in "Creating a New Database Using" pane. Click OK. Enter "cs401signup" as the file name for the database. Click Create. In the table tab (default) of the cs401signup database window, click New. In new Table, click the Design View and click OK. Enter the field names (LastName, FirstName, and Address) of the table. You can change the field size. Save the table name as signup (default is table1).
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 14 Create Database
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 15 Specify Field names
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 16 Create table for the DB Click x icon on the upper right corner. Click Yes to confirm saving the table. Enter “signup” as the table name. Click No on creating primary key. It shows the signup table was created. Double click it or click open. Enter several entries of the table.
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 17 Setup ODBC on Win2000 Server Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) On NT server, click on ODBC data source icon on control panel
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 18 Add MS Access DB Click System DSN and Add. Select MS Access Driver (*.mdb). Click Finish.
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 19 ODBC MS Access Setup Enter Data Source Name (cs401signup) Enter Description as (cs401 asp DB) Click Select on Database pane and select the e:\cs401\scripts\cs401signup.mdb
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 20 Create Script Virtual Directory Create c:\cs401\scripts directory Select Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Internet Service Manager Select Oblib, default web site (click + symbol to the left of Oblib if you did not see default web site. Select the action menu | new | virtual directory You will guide through the Virtual Directory Creation Wizard. Enter cs401scripts as alias Enter/browse physical path c:\cs401\scripts Check only the “Run scripts (such as ASP) and “Execute (such as ISAPI applications and CGI). Click Finish.
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 21 Create Query Form Web Page Create a signup DB search web page with form input. It asks for the last name in a form and submit the request to retrieve the whole record of the signup database. LastName: Put the search.htm in c:\cs401\www.
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 22 cs401www Virtual Directory Follow the same step to create the cs401www virtual directory with cs401www as alias and c:\cs401\www as physical directory. For access permission only check “Read” option. Create an Active Server Page, response.asp, which – uses VBscript to retrieve the last name from the form input, – accesses the signup database for the record – return a web page in a table format with all the record with last name matching the input.
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 23 Response.asp <% ' ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Conn.Open “cs401signup" key = Request.Form("LastName") sql="select * from signup where LastName='" & key &"'" RS.open sql,conn %>
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 24 Response.asp (2) signup response.asp File <% IF RS.RECORDCOUNT = 0 THEN %> No match result
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 25 Response.asp (3) <% RS.MoveNext Loop %>
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 26 Response.asp (4) <% rs.close set conn=nothing %>
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 27 Homework #8: IIS, DB, ASP Create a directory c:\cs401 with subdirectories www, cgi-bin, and wind. Here is your login name on CS Unix machines. Create a virtual directory with alias c:\cs401 and home dir= c:\cs401 \www. Put your personal web page there. Create a virtual host web site wind. –Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Internet Services Manger –Select default web site. –Select Action menu | new | site –Web site creation wizard will guide you through virtual sever creation. –Enter description. –Enter IP address and Host header as wind. –In Web Site home directory enter path c:\cs401\wind –Select access permission, read and run scripts; click finish. Setup IP alias. Go to settings | network and dial up connections | local area connection1 | properties | scroll down to select TCP-IP; click properties | advanced | add ; enter IP address Create a simple web page with “wind.ucs.edu/csnet IIS5.0 server by ” in c:\ \wind\default.htm
4/8/99 C. Edward Chow Page 28 Homework #8 (2) Create a Microsoft access database, called “cs401 catalog”, with a few catalog items, including fields such as name, ID, price. Save cs401 catalog.mdb under c:\cs401 \cgi-bin Setup ODBC entry. Modify search.htm and response.asp and put them in c:\cs401 \www and cgi-bin directory. Access search.htm to retrieve catalog items. Turn in hard copy of – /search.htm and the searech result web page. /search.htm –Your virtual directory web page –The virtual server web page