CEDAR Frontiers 20061 Frontiers in CEDAR Science Short TitleCorresponding.


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Presentation transcript:

CEDAR Frontiers Frontiers in CEDAR Science Short TitleCorresponding Author 1Ionospheric Feedback on the MagnetosphereDirk Lummerzheim 2Climate Change and the Role of the MesosphereChuck Deehr 3MLT ChemistryAnne Smith 4Assimilation of Satellite and Ground-Based MLT DataRuth Lieberman 5Polar Thermospheric DynamicsJohn Meriwether 6Heliosphere Impact on GeospaceKristi Kauristie 7Natural Complexity in GeospaceWilliam Liu 8High Latitude Neutral OutflowLarry Gardner 9ExtraTerrestrial Aeronomy and LifeHarald Frey 10Gravity Wave Coupling Between Lower and Upper AtmosphereHanli Liu 11A Better MLT Wind ModelRick Niciejewski 12MLT InstabilitiesGary Swenson 13DASI for Solar Terrestrial ResearchJohn Foster 14EISCAT SupportTony van Eyken

CEDAR Frontiers 2006 Short TitleCorrresponding Author 15Conjugate Imaging from SpaceNikolai Ostgaard 16Understanding the Polar cap IonosphereThayyil Javachandran 17Global Ionospheric ModelsAaron Ridley 18MLT Tidal VariabilityChiao-Yao She 19Regional Characteristics of Gravity Wave CouplingZuo Xiao 20Upper Atmosphere VariabilityShunrong Zhang 21Comparative AeronomyMichael Mendillo 22Space Weather MonitoringFrank Lind 23Mesoscale Ionospheric StructureJonathan Makela 24Stratospheric Warming and CouplingLarisa Goncharenko 25Long-Term Lidar StudiesXinzhao Chu 26Long-Duration ISR StudiesJohn Holt 27Penetration Electric FieldOdile de La Beaujardiere 28Forecasting Equatorial Spread FDavid Hysell

CEDAR Frontiers 2006 Short TitleCorresponding Author 29Mobile Doppler LidarXinzhao Chu 30GPS Studies of Atmospheric DynamicsMike Kelley 31Investigating the Thermosphere with LidarRichard Collins 32Meteor Theory and RadarMeers Oppenheim 33Regional Studies of Middle AtmosphereRichard Collins 34Mesospheric Ice CloudsMike Taylor 35MidLatitude Magnetospheric ScienceAnthea Coster 36Community Coordinated Modeling CenterMasha Kuznetsova Revised (Drop) Deadline July 1, 2006

CEDAR Frontiers 2006 CEDAR Frontiers - Questions Extracted from the Submissions 1.What are the physical processes that govern ion outflow? 2.What is the impact of ionospheric ions on magnetospheric processes? 3.What physical processes control severe thermospheric density perturbations? 4.What is the origin of auroral acceleration and auroral structure? 5.Identify long term mesospheric trends. 6.Explore synoptic scale variability in the middle atmosphere. 7.Explore longitudinal MLT tidal differences. 8.How is MLT circulation affected by gravity waves? 9.How is MLT mixing affected by gravity waves? 10.Explore long term MLT climate variations. 11.What mediates the mesospheric response to stratospheric warming? 12.What are the sources of waves that couple to the mesosphere and above from below? 13.How do gravity waves, diffusion and tides transport chemically-active species (MLT)? 14.Explore coupling between the neutral atmosphere and high altitude space weather.

CEDAR Frontiers What is the role of small scale disturbances in Joule heating? 16.What is the chemical/thermal environment in which PMC form? 17.What is the mesospheric response to solar cycle variations? 18.What is the role of the aurora in depositing energy into the atmosphere? 19.What is the role of Alfven waves of magnetospheric origin on the atmosphere? 20.What are the IT effects of high energy electron precipitation? 21.What are the IT effects of high energy ion precipitation ? 22.Explore interhemispheric conjugacy. 23.Explore energy flow in the ST system. 24.Explore the physics and consequences of the storm time electric field. 25.Explore the relative roles of storm-time penetrating and thermospheric dynamo E- fields. 26.Are mid-latitude ionospheric storms the cause of positive-phase storms? 27.Explore global plasma transport mechanisms (e.g. equatorial -> Poleward & more). 28.What are the production mechanisms of mid-latitude irregularities? 29.Understand geospace as a complex system with coupling across scales. 30.Understand geospace as an avalanching system.

CEDAR Frontiers How does ionosphere of Earth differ from that of other planets? 32.How does atmospheric composition vary on geological timescales on Earth? 33.How does atmospheric composition vary on geological timescales on other planets? 34.Can the atmospheres of Earth-like planets around other stars sustain life? 35.Establish the fundamental limits of predictability of geospace processes. 36.What is the influence of daylight on ionospheric coupling?.