Douglas Engelbart The inventor of computer mouse Shiyu Ji Shiyu Ji COMP 1631 COMP 1631 Winter 2011 Winter 2011
Outline Early life experience Early life experience Thoughts of inventing mouse Thoughts of inventing mouse Douglas Engelbart ’ s achievements Douglas Engelbart ’ s achievements Significant influences Significant influences Receive honors Receive honors Outstanding contributions Outstanding contributions
Early Life Experience Douglas Engelbart was born in the Oregon, Douglas Engelbart was born in the Oregon, USA on January 30,1925. He was a descendant USA on January 30,1925. He was a descendant of German and Swedish. In 1942,he graduated of German and Swedish. In 1942,he graduated from Portland ’ s Franklin High School. from Portland ’ s Franklin High School. During World War Ⅱ, he was a navy radio technician in the Philippines. He got his bachelor ’ s degree at Oregon State University in 1948, and then received a doctor ’ s degree in computer from University of California, Berkeley in During World War Ⅱ, he was a navy radio technician in the Philippines. He got his bachelor ’ s degree at Oregon State University in 1948, and then received a doctor ’ s degree in computer from University of California, Berkeley in 1955.
Early Life Experience He had been working in Stanford Research Institute for 20 years. He was appointed the senior researcher in Tymshare Company and McDonnell Dougllas Company after he left SRI. He had been working in Stanford Research Institute for 20 years. He was appointed the senior researcher in Tymshare Company and McDonnell Dougllas Company after he left SRI. In 1989, he created the Bootstrap Institute in Palo Alto with his daugther Christina Engelbart. In 1989, he created the Bootstrap Institute in Palo Alto with his daugther Christina Engelbart.
Thoughts of Inventing Mouse Around 1951, Douglas Engelbart began to consider how to use computer interactively, and improve the way that people solve complex problems. He outlined the shape of the mouse in a notebook and take it for several years. Around 1951, Douglas Engelbart began to consider how to use computer interactively, and improve the way that people solve complex problems. He outlined the shape of the mouse in a notebook and take it for several years. In early 1960s,he saw an interesting planimeter In early 1960s,he saw an interesting planimeter in a lab when attending a meeting. Based in a lab when attending a meeting. Based on it, he sketched a picture which was on it, he sketched a picture which was about converting machinery into digital about converting machinery into digital range and tracking the movement with range and tracking the movement with two perpendicular wheels. two perpendicular wheels.
Thoughts of Inventing Mouse Four or Five individuals participated in this study and did a experiment using the light pen, control rod and mouse, the research group set up a simple task, finally they found that mouse performance was the best among them. Four or Five individuals participated in this study and did a experiment using the light pen, control rod and mouse, the research group set up a simple task, finally they found that mouse performance was the best among them. This device dragged a tail like a rat, so people This device dragged a tail like a rat, so people in the lab gave a name “ mouse ” to it. in the lab gave a name “ mouse ” to it.
Achievements (mouse) In 1964,Douglas Engelbart invented mouse instead of keyboard to manipulate the computer as a convenient tool. This invention was listed as an important event by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE ) since the computer has been created for 50 years. In 1964,Douglas Engelbart invented mouse instead of keyboard to manipulate the computer as a convenient tool. This invention was listed as an important event by Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE ) since the computer has been created for 50 years. In 1967, he applied for a patent for his invention and obtain the patent in 1970, he called that patent as “ X-Y position indicator ”. In 1967, he applied for a patent for his invention and obtain the patent in 1970, he called that patent as “ X-Y position indicator ”. In 1983,Apple Company followed the way of Palo Alto Research Center, installing an improved mouse on a Lisa microcomputer. In 1983,Apple Company followed the way of Palo Alto Research Center, installing an improved mouse on a Lisa microcomputer.
Achievements (ARPAnet) During that time in Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Engelbart promoted ARPAnet project of United States During that time in Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Engelbart promoted ARPAnet project of United States Department of Defense actively. That project was established between nodes at University of California, Los Angles, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah. Engelbart was the principal researchers. Department of Defense actively. That project was established between nodes at University of California, Los Angles, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah. Engelbart was the principal researchers.
Achievements (ARPAnet) ARPAnet created three operation and administration centers: Network Control Center,Network Management Center and Network Information Center.NIC,was established under Engelbart ’ s proposal and located in the SRI, he was appointed the director of this center until Internet was developed on the basis of the ARPAnet. ARPAnet created three operation and administration centers: Network Control Center,Network Management Center and Network Information Center.NIC,was established under Engelbart ’ s proposal and located in the SRI, he was appointed the director of this center until Internet was developed on the basis of the ARPAnet.
Achievements (OHS) On his research report “ Augmenting Human Intellect ”, Engelbart explained an conceptual framework named “ Cocurrent Development Integration and Application of Knowledge ” to develop and integrate the knowledge Under this framework, he introduced a core technology called Open Hyperdocument System which was an integrated, multi-vendor architecture. People can share HTML through the screen. On his research report “ Augmenting Human Intellect ”, Engelbart explained an conceptual framework named “ Cocurrent Development Integration and Application of Knowledge ” to develop and integrate the knowledge Under this framework, he introduced a core technology called Open Hyperdocument System which was an integrated, multi-vendor architecture. People can share HTML through the screen.
Significant Influences Engelbart devoted more time to developing new technology based on the computer to deal with information directly. His theory and research Engelbart devoted more time to developing new technology based on the computer to deal with information directly. His theory and research plans were explained directly and clearly in his report called “ Augmenting Human Intellect: plans were explained directly and clearly in his report called “ Augmenting Human Intellect: A conceptual framework ” which was A conceptual framework ” which was published in 1962.Indeed Engelbart published in 1962.Indeed Engelbart was a pioneer of information was a pioneer of information revolution and knowledge economy. revolution and knowledge economy.
Receive honors In 1995, Engelbart got “ Yuri Rubinsky Memorial Award ” In 1995, Engelbart got “ Yuri Rubinsky Memorial Award ” In 1996, “ The Franklin Institute ’ s Certificate of Merit ” In 1996, “ The Franklin Institute ’ s Certificate of Merit ” In 1997, $500,000 of “ Lemelson-MIT Prize ” In 1997, $500,000 of “ Lemelson-MIT Prize ” In 1999, “ Benjamin Franklin Medal ” In 1999, “ Benjamin Franklin Medal ” In 2000, “ National Medal of Technology ” In 2000, “ National Medal of Technology ” In 2001, “ British Computer Society ’ s Lovelace Medal ” In 2001, “ British Computer Society ’ s Lovelace Medal ”
Honors In 2005, A Fellow of “ Computer History Museum ” and honored with “ Norbert Wiener Award ”. In 2005, A Fellow of “ Computer History Museum ” and honored with “ Norbert Wiener Award ”. In 2008, honored at the celebration “ Mother of All Demos ” In 2008, honored at the celebration “ Mother of All Demos ” In 2009, an New Media Consortium (NMC) Fellow In 2009, an New Media Consortium (NMC) Fellow
Outstanding Contributions With the popularity and upgrading of Windows With the popularity and upgrading of Windows operation system, the mouse, as a small operation system, the mouse, as a small input device has played a significant input device has played a significant role in the world. Billions of people role in the world. Billions of people use it everyday. His excellent use it everyday. His excellent performance on PC bring performance on PC bring convience for people. convience for people.
Conclusion Douglas Engelbart was an important inventor that invented the mouse, and this had a profound effect on information revolution. He obtained many awards and honors in his entire life Douglas Engelbart was an important inventor that invented the mouse, and this had a profound effect on information revolution. He obtained many awards and honors in his entire life
References Engelbart, Douglas. Bootstrapping. California: Stanford University Press, Print. DeJean, David. "Douglas Engelbart." PC/Computing 2 Dec.1989 Web. 2 Feb Leslie, Mitch. "The man behind the mouse." Science 12 March Web. 2 Feb. 2011