Space Survey 2004 SPACE SURVEY Wasabi Facilities Module Harvard School of Public Health March 4, 2005 Deb Carmel, Emily Jeep Klingaman, Hong Tian
Space Survey w Introduction w F & A Rate w Space Survey w Space Coding w Back-up Data w Conclusion Agenda
Space Survey Introduction w Why a Space Survey? w HSPH is reimbursed for facility expenses that relate to sponsored research w We allocate these costs via the Space Survey w Correct and accurate coding could enhance our indirect cost recovery w Why Wasabi? w Enables lookup of occupants and accounts w Done electronically
Space Survey F&A Rate for Indirect Cost Recovery The Facilities & Administrative Organized Research Rate is expressed as a percentage: Indirect costs of research = F&A% Direct costs of research = more than $ 35 million in unrestricted income to Harvard School of Public Health annually
Space Survey Space Survey A “Direct” Cost is one that Can be identified specifically with a particular –sponsored project –training activity or –other institutional activity with a high degree of accuracy PI salary, lab supplies, and scientific equipment are examples of direct costs
Space Survey Space Survey Incurred for common or joint objectives and therefore cannot be identified readily and specifically with a particular sponsored project, training activity or other institutional activity Examples: library, facilities maintenance, OSR, Cost Analysis Conversely, an “Indirect” cost is
Space Survey OMB A-21Classification of Activities DirectIndirect Instruction/Dept ResGeneral administration Organized ResearchSponsored project administration Other sponsored activityDepartmental administration Other institutional activityOperations & maintenance Library Depreciation Interest
Space Survey Activities Recovered by F&A Rate Direct Instruction/Dept Res Organized Research Other sponsored activity Other institutional activity General administration Sponsored project administration Departmental administration Operations & maintenance Depreciation Interest Indirect Library
Space Survey Space Survey w Joint effort of Cost Analysis Group and Operations Group and Department Administrators w Survey performed annually
Space Survey Space Survey w The time frame of the survey is for the entire fiscal year. w This survey is for July 1, June 30, 2004 w Completion Window - now until April 8, 2005
Space Survey Space Survey w Who should complete the survey?
Space Survey Space Survey – Wasabi Facilities w Four Tabs w General room information w Statistics (Space Usage survey in old system) w Occupants (same as old system) w Accounts (new in Wasabi)
Space Survey Space Survey w View Lookup Screeen
Space Survey
Space Survey Space Survey w View General Room Data Tab
Space Survey
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics w View Wasabi Usage Statistics Tab
Space Survey
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding w Space will be ranked in the following categories (for academic areas) w Organized Research w Instruction and Departmental Research w Other Sponsored w Departmental Administration w Library w OIA - Other Institutional Activities w Vacant w Under Renovation w Rented
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding ORGANIZED RESEARCH w Space used for organized research funded by w Federal government w Other sponsors w HSPH funded projects that are separately budgeted and accounted for w Milton Funds
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding ORGANIZED RESEARCH Research Support Rooms w Organized research activities are often supported by spaces shared by several researchers w Storage rooms w Equipment rooms w Washing rooms
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding ORGANIZED RESEARCH Research Support Rooms w If only projects classified as organized research are utilizing the shared space, then code the area as organized research w If the shared space supports other uses, then allocate the space to reflect the relative portion (in terms of time and space)
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding ORGANIZED RESEARCH Research Support Rooms w Conference rooms, amphitheaters and seminar rooms w Documentation is required to allocate the percentage of time devoted to various functions w Calendar or schedule w Log books w Copies of meeting notices w In the absence of documentation, code space as Departmental Administration
Space Survey Space Usage Survey Coding Issues w Coding of research space that is used by graduate students and post-docs not paid on sponsored awards should reflect the proportion of time relating to instruction
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding ORGANIZED RESEARCH Recharge Centers w Recharge centers should allocate the space according to the revenues generated by sales w Classify space based on billings to w External users = Other Inst Activities w Internal users funded by organized research w Internal users funded by departmental funds
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding INSTRUCTION AND DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH w Activities related to professional and educational programs w Trainees being instructed, studying and/or developing skills/techniques w Research funded by the department or HSPH that is not separately budgeted or accounted for
Space Survey w Methodology to code Training and Instruction w Factors to consider in the coding w Number of students w Mix of graduate students (by year) and post-docs w Complexity of lab technique w Other relevant factors Space Usage Statistics Coding INSTRUCTION AND DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding OTHER SPONSORED w Space used for sponsored projects that are not research or training w Conferences w Community Service
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION w General departmental administrative activities and supporting functions w Offices of departmental administrators w Support areas w Space used in common by departmental faculty and staff w Portion of department head’s office if it is used for administrative functions
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION w Examples of departmental space w Copy room w Kitchen w Supply area w Business office w Lounge
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding DEPARTMENTAL ADMINISTRATION w In most circumstances space should not be split coded as departmental administration with organized research or departmental instruction and research
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding LIBRARY w Departmental library space which is focussed on the needs of the of the department and available to Harvard users w Library space may not be ranked as organized research or departmental instruction and research, even if the departmental library supports these functions
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding LIBRARY w Criteria used by federal auditors to verify the library function of space include: w Formal circulation policy w A librarian w Minimal use of the space for other purposes
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding LIBRARY w Departmental library space not meeting the federal criteria for that classification must be coded as departmental administration
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding VACANT w Space that is actually closed, entirely unused and not undergoing renovation for the entire year w Space used for specific function(s), but not continually, should be coded to the applicable rank(s) w Rooms used at some point during the year should be coded to the function when occupied
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding UNDER RENOVATION w Space that was actually under renovation for substantially all the year. w If space was used during the year, code it according to its activity when occupied
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding RENTED w Space that is leased out to a third party (not part of HSPH)
Space Survey Space Usage Statistics Coding OTHER - OTHER INSTITUTIONAL ACTIVITIES w Space used for activities that are not instruction, research or administration w Dining halls w Dormitories w Publishing w Other enterprises
Space Survey Space Occupancy Coding w View Occupants Tab
Space Survey
Space Survey Occupancy Coding Instructions w Occupant information refers to everyone who worked in the room at any time during FY2004 w List a person as an occupant in all the rooms they used regularly in FY2004 w Indicate span of months if person was in room less than full year, otherwise OK to leave blank
Space Survey Space Accounts Coding w View Accounts Tab
Space Survey
Space Survey Summary w FY2004 data w Respond based on your knowledge of activity in room w Please: w Complete Statistics and Occupants - all rooms w Complete Accounts – required for research rooms w Notes on any change to floor plan or room data w Completion window – now until Friday, April 8, 2005
Space Survey Questions ? Comments ?