Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Control Module Facility Advisory Committee June 17, 2008 SLAC -


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Presentation transcript:

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Control Module Facility Advisory Committee June 17, 2008 SLAC - Controls Group

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Controls - design team, APS Josh Stein - Control System CAM Steve Shoaf - Lead engineer Eric Norum - RTEMS support / Consulting Bob Laird - Electronics Layout Ned Arnold - Technical supervision Sharon Farrell - Technical support Rich Voogd - Electronic Interface/Cable Design

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Controls, SLAC Arturo Alarcon Ernest Williams Till Straumann James Bong

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Controls The LCLS undulator line consists of a series of 33 identical undulator segments. The control and monitoring equipment for each segment will reside in a 19” rack located beneath each undulator girder. Three separate units will be housed in that rack – the Motor Power/AC interlock chassis, the Undulator Control Module, and the Undulator Control Module Interface chassis.

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Segment (Aisle side) BPM Quad/Corrector Translation Stage CAM Mover Electronics Rack BFW

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Segment (Wall side) Vacuum chamber EIA(Raceway)

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator group Short breaks Long break The entire LCLS undulator hall consists of 33 total Undulator segments broken into 11 groups of three.

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Control Module Interface (UCMI) Provides a wiring interface between the Undulator Control Module (UCM), the interlock chassis, the Undulator motor power supplies and the temperature, position and control field wiring. Provides translation stage comparator circuits and calibration adjustments Contains RTD modules to acquire temperature inputs from 12 RTD’s Housed in a 3U high, 12 inch deep, 19 inch rack chassis

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Chassis Layout

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Chassis – Rear Panel

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Ribbon cable connectors on back side of pcb’s Rear Panel

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCMI Temperature Monitor Uses DataForth 12 RTD modules Provides excitation for 3-Wire RTD’s using matched current sources Isolation Filtering Amplifies Linearization Inputs from 3 DB15 connectors 12 RTD’s Connection to UCM via SCSI II cable

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Front Panel

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCMI Motion Control Motor Interface Interface between UCM, 42 Volts Motor Power Supply and 7 Motors Five CAM movers motors Two Translation stage motors All motors fused with 10A Slow-blow fuses Use of bus bar wire for 42 VDC from Power connector to individual motor connectors and fuses.

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Translation Stage Position Monitoring Translation error logic detects excessive skew Level 1 error signal relayed to UCM Level 2 error signal relayed to UCM and opens solid state relay contacts to Interlock Chassis Alignment procedure uses front panel trim pots, voltage monitor test points and LED’s. Trim pots adjust reference voltage to comparators

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Beam Finder Wire (BFW) Connects 24VDC CMD Signal from UCM to BFW connector Connects 2 limit switches from BFW to UCM Connects BFW potentiometer signals to UCM Provides precision 5VDC reference signal to BFW position potentiometer Provides 24VDC to BFW

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Position Monitoring Provides 5VDC precision voltage reference to 8 linear potentiometers that monitor girder position and to 5 rotary potentiometers that monitor CAM position. Connects potentiometer wipers to UCM.

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Front Panel Adjustments, Indicators and Test points Alignment Offset Adjust Adjusted for Zero Volts when the Translation stages are aligned Level 1 Threshold Adjust Adjusted for the desired skew Level 2 Threshold Adjust Adjusted for the desired skew Alignment Offset +TP/-TP Test points Test points to read the alignment offset from the positive and negative reference voltages. Both should be Zero Volts when aligned. Level 1 and Level 2 Threshold Test points TDS0 and TDS1 Test points Differential Analog signals proportional to the amount of skew between the translation stages. Only one output will be non-zero, indicating the direction of the skew Ground - reference

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Cont. -Front Panel Adjustments, Indicators and Test points LED Level 1 Fault LED Level 2 Fault LED Stop. Indicates E-Stop signal received from Interlock chassis LED +5V. Directly connected through resistor to 5VDC regulator LED -5V. Directly connected through resistor to -5VDC regulator LED 5V Reference. Directly connected through resistor to 5VDC precision voltage reference. LED 24V. Directly connected through resistor to 24VDC input. LED 40VA. Directly connected through resistor to 42VDC input that powers the CAM motors. LED 40VB. Directly connected through resistor to 42VDC input that powers the Translation motors.

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Wiring Configuration

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 EIA - Electronic Interface Assembly Purpose Provide interface for electronic cabling from undulator hardware to instrumentation rack Accommodate miscellaneous undulator wiring by means of auxiliary cabling channel Design Criteria Provide orderly cable routing from undulator hardware to instrumentation rack Provide natural grouping of specific cable types Reduce total number of cables entering instrumentation rack from undulator hardware Reduce down time associated with cabling when repairing/replacing undulator hardware User friendly system cabling installation/removal Aesthetically pleasing to overall system design

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 EIA - Electronic Interface Assembly Cabling Functions Motion control - 2 translation stages & 5 CAM movers Position readout - 5 rotary & 8 linear potentiometers Emergency stop - 4 pushbuttons & 4 translation limit switches Temperature monitoring - 12 Resistive Thermal Devices (RTD’s) Beam Finder Wire (BFW) - solenoid control & position readout

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Segment (Wall side) EIA (Raceway) UIR (Undulator Instrumentation Rack)

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 EIA - Electronic Interface Assembly

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Hardware Cabling Design Assessing Cabling Requirements Undulator hardware identification establish nomenclature Determination of routing (thru EIA or direct) to rack Introduction of emergency stop capability (motor power) Determining EIA & Undulator Instrumentation Rack (UIR) location Specifications of Connector & Cable Type Choosing connector types Quality & ease of installation/removal Connector type varies per function requirements Choosing cable types Selected for function (power, signal, control, etc.) Specifying custom cable where applicable

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Hardware Cabling Design Planning for Cable Routing Determination of appropriate routing along girder support system Routing to junction boxes ‘A’ & ‘B’ Motor cables routed directly to Undulator Instrumentation Rack (UIR) Determination of individual cable lengths Cables Types & Quantities (49 cables total / undulator) 7 motor power (2 Translation & 5 CAM movers) 4 emergency stop pushbutton 2 translation limit switch 5 rotary potentiometer 8 linear potentiometer 12 temperature (RTD’s) 2 Beam Finder Wire (BFW) 9 Instrumentation Rack

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 SUT Section Top View

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Typical Cable Drawing

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Hardware System Wiring Overall Wiring Plan Hardware to electronic interface assembly Hardware to instrumentation rack cabling EIA to instrumentation rack cabling Electronic Interface Assembly Internal Wiring All cables route thru EIA with exception of motor cables Reduction of cables to instrumentation rack Emergency stop - from 6 to 1 Rotary potentiometers - from 5 to 2 Linear potentiometers - from 8 to 2 RTD’s - from 12 to 3 Beam Finder Wire (BFW) - from 2 to 1 Reduced total quantity by 24 / undulator

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Hardware System Wiring Junction Box ‘A’ & ‘B’ Cabling Hardware cable entry to junction boxes 18 cables entering junction box ‘B’ 15 cables entering junction box ‘A’ EIA to Instrumentation Rack Cables 1 emergency stop 2 rotary potentiometers 2 linear potentiometers 3 temperature (RTD’s) 1 Beam Finder Wire (BFW)

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Electronic Interface Assembly/Junction Box ‘A’

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Electronic Interface Assembly/Junction Box ‘B’

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Motor Power/Interrupt Chassis Design Chassis Functions Provide motor power for translation stages & CAM movers Provide power for Undulator Control Module Interface (UCMI) Emergency motor power interrupt / status indication Interacts with UCMI - status & control Power Supply Selection & Power Distribution 2 42V DC / 20A power supplies for 7 motors 1 24V DC / 1.2A power supply for UCMI chassis Emergency Stop Circuitry 4 emergency stop pushbuttons (key reset) on girder support 4 translation limit switches - in / out (upstream & downstream) Translation stage skew signal - level 2 fault from UCMI

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Motor Power/Interrupt Chassis Design Interfacing With The UCMI Powers UCMI chassis with 24V DC Provides 42V DC to UCMI for powering 7 motors Receives fault status (normally closed contact) from UCMI Sends ‘E-Stop’ status (motor power normal / interrupted) to UCMI Status Indicators / Test Points Front panel LED’s to indicate status 1 24V DC supply 2 42V DC supplies LED’s to indicate status (normal / fault) of motor power Front panel test points to monitor all 3 power supplies

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Smart Motor / Power Supply Information Smart Motor Specifications Animatics Model SM2320D - PLS Integrates a motion controller, amplifier, and feedback encoder in the back of a high quality brushless DC servo motor Animatics Motor Ratings Continuous Torque - T c 38 oz - in Peak Torque - T p 90 oz - in Torque Constant - K t 8.92 oz - in/A No Load Speed7820 rpm Voltage Constant6.6 V / K rpm Peak Current I p = T p / K t I p = (90 oz - in) / (8.92 oz - in/A) I p = A Continuous TorqueI c = (38 oz - in) / (8.92 oz - in/A) I c = 4.26 A

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Smart Motor / Power Supply Information Power Supply Requirements Linear unregulated DC voltage 22 to 48 Volts DC Animatics model PS42V20AF11042 Volts 20 Amps Only one supply required to operate all 7 Smart Motors Shunt recommended for back EMF protection 12.5 OHM 100 Watt shunt (2) 1 for each power supply 24 Volt DC linear regulated power supply for UCMI power PowerOne HB A24 Volt 1.2 Amps

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Circuit - Motor Power/Interrupt Chassis

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Motor Power / Interrupt Chassis

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Motor Power/AC Interrupt Chassis

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Control Module (UCM) - Functionality Overview Motion control of five undulator CAM movers and two translation stages Position readback of various potentiometers distributed around the undulator girder, including interlocking logic of the translation stages Temperature monitoring of RTDs distributed around the undulator Control of the Beam Finder Wire diagnostic including position readback

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Requirements Limitation of motor positioning “soft limits” imposed by software Limit switches to disable motor movement Limit switches to remove motor drive power Emergency stop signal from the AC interrupt/interlock chassis Translation stage control and skew interlocks Control of two independent translation stages Interlock function to prevent unintentional skew of the strongback Internal diagnostics to monitor the operation of the undulator controls

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Hardware Design Commercially available VME hardware for IOC Motorola processor Industry Pack Modules (ADC, RS-232, Digital I/O) Responsible for motion control position readbacks translation stage position monitoring temperature monitoring Beam Finder Wire control and position readback Undulator Control Module Interface (UCMI ) Chassis Field wiring connection interface Connects to IOC via high density 50 pin SCSI-II cables Motor Power/AC Interrupt Chassis Terminates motor power for emergency stop buttons or translation stage skew

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Motion Control LCLS Undulator Support/Mover System Engineering Specification (# ) CAM motion details Translation stage motion details APS EPICS motor record device support Animatics SmartMotors UCMI Chassis Field wiring interfaces directly to all motors, not through junction box Houses circuit board to distribute power and serial I/O to each motor Serial I/O and motor power via hybrid cable Houses translation stage skew monitor circuit

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Position Readbacks Eight linear potentiometers for girder position monitoring Manufacturer: novotechnik Model: TR10 Animatics Smart Motor internal encoder readback for CAM position Five Rotary potentiometers for CAM position monitoring Manufacturer: novotechnik Model: P2200 Two linear potentiometers for translation stage position monitoring Manufacturer: novotechnik Model: TRS100 Two undulator translation limit switches Manufacturer : Micro-Switch (Honeywell) Model: 11SM1

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Girder Position Monitoring Eight linear potentiometers monitoring girder position Independent position feedback of the girder at each location 1kΩ potentiometer Independent linearity of ± 0.25% Independent repeatability of 10µm Precision voltage source used for the potentiometers for accurate measurements Analog Devices AD586 (5V ± 2.5mV) Long term power supply drift compensation Dedicated ADC channel to monitor precision power supply output Loopback configuration for motion control is possible Not currently implemented, SUT results showed single motion always in spec. Characterization with 16-bit ADC Need 13 bits of resolution to obtain ±2 micron readback over 10 mm range Characterization will be done during Long Term Test (LTT)

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - CAM Position Monitoring Rotary potentiometers monitor CAM positions (indirectly monitor quad position) 5 kΩ potentiometer 360° of mechanical travel 345° of electrical travel Independent linearity of ± 0.1% Independent repeatability of less than 0.01 degrees Transformation matrix used to calculate the center of the downstream quad Precision voltage source used for potentiometers for accurate measurements Long term power supply drift compensation Dedicated ADC channel to monitor precision power supply output Characterization with 16-bit ADC Need 13 bits of resolution to obtain ±0.05° readback over 360° 2µm of quad linear motion ~0.05° of CAM motion Characterization results have yielded resolutions of 0.01°

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Translation Stage Position Monitoring Two linear potentiometers monitoring translation stage positions Independent position feedback of the two translation stages 5kΩ potentiometer Independent linearity of ± 0.075% Independent repeatability of 10µm Precision voltage source used for the potentiometers for accurate measurements Long term power supply drift compensation Dedicated ADC channel to monitor precision power supply output Characterization with 16-bit ADC Need 13 bits of resolution to obtain ±15 micron readback over 100 mm range Characterization will be done during Long Term Test (LTT) Two undulator translation limit switches Connected to the Animatics Smart Motor limit switch inputs Two additional limits wired directly to the AC Interrupt Chassis

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Translation Stage Skew Monitoring Translation stage comparator circuit inside the UCMI Chassis Two levels of transverse skew interlock intervention Level 1 threshold, when motion begins to get outside of acceptable alignment UCM enters alarm state which requires operator intervention One motor individually moved to match other motors position Level 2 threshold, if the magnitude of the skew continues AC interrupt chassis is tripped, cuts power to all motors UCM enters alarm state which requires engineering intervention Calibrated alignment of stage positions Level 1 and Level 2 have a single alignment adjustment Level 1 and Level 2 have independent threshold adjustments Level 2 violation will require a tunnel access to visually inspect the problem Motion interlock clear button on Motor Power/AC Interrupt Chassis Allows movement of translation stages to clear the fault

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Temperature Monitoring Twelve RTD sensors positioned on girder assembly Vendor: Omega Model: RTD-830 surface mount UCMI Chassis Field wiring interface for all RTD’s Interfaced to Dataforth RTD modules inside chassis RTD excitation voltage Isolates, filters, amplifies and linearizes a single channel of temperature input

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Temperature Monitoring Ambient temperature monitoring around girder 3 wire RTD’s Longer wire operating lengths (not an issue with this installation) 2 wire configuration can be up to 100m, 3 wire configuration can be up to 600m Minimizes lead wire resistance effects Platinum element High accuracy (a typical 100 ohm sensor is nominally ohm/°C) Low drift Fast response (extremely thin film) Linear resistance-temperature relationship Wide temperature operating range (-60 to 260 °C) Characterization with 16-bit ADC Need 13 bits of resolution to obtain ±0.05 °C readback over 320 °C range Characterization will be done during Long Term Test (LTT)

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Beam Finder Wire Controls A 24V dc signal activates BFW solenoid Two limit switches for IN/OUT position readback Linear potentiometer used to verify “IN” position accuracy Same linear potentiometer as used to monitor the girder position UCMI Chassis Field wiring interface for solenoid Field wiring interface for IN/OUT limit switches Field wiring interface for linear potentiometer Position verification

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Segment (Aisle side) T10 T11 T12T04 T06 TM2 TM1 CM5 CM2 CM3 RP5 RP3 RP2 LP2-Y LP3-X LP6-Y LP7-X LP8-TRLP4-TR CMx = CAM Motor TMx = Translation Motor RPx = Rotary Potentiometer LPx = Linear Potentiometer Txx = Temperature RTD

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 Undulator Segment (Wall side) T03 T02 T01 T08 T09 T07 T05 CM1 CM4 RP4 RP1 LP1-Y LP5-Y CMx = CAM Motor TMx = Translation Motor RPx = Rotary Potentiometer LPx = Linear Potentiometer Txx = Temperature RTD

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Hardware Platform VME IOC Hardware Hybricon Crate (SLAC specifications) Remote console access Remote monitoring of voltage and fan Remote reboot and power cycling Motorola mvme3100 Processor (approved by SLAC) RTEMS based IOC Currently testing with a MVME6100 processor BSP for MVME3100 processor being developed at SLAC Acromag IP330A Industry Pack Module (ADC) GE Fanuc (SBS) IP-OCTAL-232 RS-232 Communications (Motors) GE Fanuc (SBS) IP-OPTOIO-8 Digital I/O (BFW solenoid/limit switches) 4 industry pack slots with 3 populated by above modules 2U height

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM - Rack Space Sketch (front view)

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - Development environment Subversion (SVN) controlled software repository EPICS base R asyn R4-9rs232 communications to motors autosave R4-2-1ioc pv saving ip330 R2-5potentiometer and RTD readbacks ipUnidig R2-5BFW solenoid and limit switches ipac R2-9industry pack modules support motor R6-3Animatics smart motors seq *smart monitor sequence programs RTEMS in IOC VisualDCT (VDCT) for database development Using.vdb file extension to denote VDCT database * Library reference for iocsh needs to be removed from Makefile, it’s been consolidated into another library

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - Motion Equations Configuration Control Motor Algorithm Document Controlled document References mechanical drawings of CAM wedge angles/configuration Mechanical drawings will reference Motor Algorithm Document Mechanical changes impact the controls motion algorithm EPICS database Relevant process variables will reference the Motor Algorithm Document

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - CAM Motion Equations

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - Controls Displays EDM display manager edm s Using templates provided by SLAC

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - EDM Displays

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - EDM Display/Undulator Motion

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - EDM Display/Girder and CAM Parameters

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - EDM Display/CAM Calibration

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - Smart Monitors and Test Facilities Smart Monitors will mostly be sequence programs running in the IOC No change in requested motor position even though it is “moving” Loss of excitation voltage to potentiometers Out-of-range RTD readings BFW inserted Test Facilities Calibration and testing of translation stage “skew” interlock

Arturo Alarcon FAC, Undulator June 17, 2008 UCM Software - Access Security Channel Access Security will be implemented during LTT development Calibration parameters will be READ only CAM rotary potentiometer gain and zero offset CAM wedge angles Linear potentiometer gain and zero offset Girder fixed distance parameters Machine operating mode restrictions CAM calibration procedure prohibited during normal operations BFW operation prohibited during normal operations