1 Closer Economic Integration and Corporate Tax Systems Kimberly A. Clausing June 2007 Determinants of Corporate Tax Rates Determinants of Corporate Tax Revenues Role of International Integration 36 Countries (OECD/EU) over
2 OECD Corporate Tax Rates,
3 EU Integration Measures,
4 Tax Rate Specification Corporate Tax Rate it = + 1 Individual Tax Rate it + 2 Government Consumption/GDP it + 3 FDI-out/GDP it + 4 ln(GDP) it + 5 ln(GDP per-capita) it + 6 Left it + 7 EU it + 8 EU complete it + 9 EU apply it + it
5 Determinants of Corporate Statutory Tax Rates,
6 Central Government Corporate Tax Revenues Relative to GDP, OECD Countries
7 Determinants of Revenues
9 Estimation Corporate Tax Revenue/ GDP it = + 1 Tax Rate it + 2 Tax Rate it 2 + 3 Corporate Profitability it + 4 Size of the Corporate Sector it And Later: -Proxies for corporate data - x Type of Corporate Tax System it - t Time Dummies or Time Trend
10 Determinants of Revenue/GDP,
11 Determinants of Revenue/GDP,
12 Revenue Curves, EU and Others
13 Findings and Implications Tax rates depend on factors that affect the elasticity of tax base: EU integration, FDI, country size –Other factors as expected: individual rate, government size and type Parabolic relationship between tax rates and revenues –Types of Responsiveness –EU Members and More International Countries => More Responsive Tax Base –Territorial Systems v. Credit Systems