Understanding the personal, social and environmental impact upon physical activity of the ‘Devon Active Villages’ programme Emma Solomon (PhD researcher) CBC Research Showcase Event, June 8 th 2011, Exeter, UK Physical activity and health
The ‘Devon Active Villages’ programme Research partner: Active Devon - Active Villages Project Manager: Stuart Dudley - Project Assistant: Daniel Pulsford Aim: to support village communities to provide sustainable opportunities for sports and physical activity participation. 155 villages across Devon will receive the programme between Sept 2010 and Dec 2012, split across 5 phases.
Research Design and Methodology Evaluation project: large postal survey study 128 villages were randomised to receive the programme within one of four phases. Stepped wedge randomised trial design. 5 stages of data collection. Power calculations: For 80% power at least 10 responses are needed from every village at each of the 5 stages.
Survey Content Views of the local area and use of facilities Awareness of local physical activity programmes Physical activity behaviour and health Opinions about physical activity Participant demographics
Baseline results (so far) 6400 surveys sent out in March per village, aiming for 20% response rate Response rate = 36.4% Average age = 58 years Gender split = 63% females, 37% males
Thank you – any questions? Research presented here was conducted during an ESRC Studentship under its Capacity Building Clusters Award (RES ) in partnership with Active Devon. For more information about this project and the work of the Centre for Sport, Leisure and Tourism research, see Emma Solomon,