The Behavior Analyst and the Workplace (Guideline 6) Presented by: Nicola Schneider
Guideline 6- B.A. working in Business and Industry (OBM & PM) Adheres to job commitments Proper training-“adequately prepared” to consult for organizations Asses employee interactions prior to intervention Develop well thought out interventions that benefit management and employees “enhance the well-being of employees” (e.g. higher rates of performance increase in injury) Resolves conflict within the BACB Guidelines for Responsible Conduct
Job Commitments (6.01) Contract with employing agency Follow through with agreements made Commitments to specific organizations
Assessing Employee Interactions (6.02) Assess behavior-environment interactions- Done prior to intervention- room for correction controls for extraneous variables Environmental issues Management correction Propose intervention Decrease Response Rate Decrease in Productivity Equipment in Need of Repair
Preparing for Consultation (6.03) Specialized training in the business/industry setting Programming differs from human services settings coursework and practicum settings Case Example 68: Frederick (Bailey & Burch, 2005, p. 133)
Employees Interventions (6.04) Hired by management to solve emploee performance problems Interventions that are developed benefit management AND employees
Employee Health and Well Being (6.05) Interventions must enhance the health and well being of employees… NOT harm them! Motivation to be more productive risk for injury or illness Working faster ignoring safety standards Case Example 70: Peter B. (Bailey & Burch, 2005, p. 135)
Conflicts with Organizations (6.06) B.A. take Ethics seriously Explain high ethical standards Demands of organization conflict with these Guidelines… Clarify the nature of the conflict Make known the commitment to these guidelines Resolve conflict in a way that adheres to the guidelines in the best possible way Case Example 71: Heather (Bailey & Burch, 2005, p. 136)
References Bailey, J. & Burch, M. (2005). Ethics for Behavior Analysts. New York: Routledge.