Strategies and Skills - Modeling - Explanation - Practice
How are skills and strategies learned? - reading and writing - minilessons - working collaboratively with parents, teachers and classmates
How are skills and strategies different?
Skills are associated with reading and writing instruction. Most skills are taught with drill and practice worksheets and workbooks. Skills are the individuals ability, automatic behaviors and knowledge.
Strategies are associated most with modeling. Strategies are connected to problem solving, a lay out and a plan to achieve a goal.
Grouping By Instruction
What are the four types of grouping?
Whole Class
Small Group
Individual work
Danielle Donovan Chapter 4 Presentation EDUC 231 Block 26
Presentation done by Micro Soft Power Point Chapter Four Strategies and Skills Grouping Text Used: Literacy for the 21st Century Written By: Gail E. Tompkins