201: Week Three Approaching Research
Agenda Follow-up from last week – web site critique – time logs Research Approaches – Reading – Next week’s assignment
Spending your time wisely … this week’s hint:
Meetings (too many?)
Keeping yourself organized
Scientific Research Scholarship and research discussion online Greenwoood and Levin’s definition: “investigative activity capable of discovering that the world is or is not organized as our preconceptions lead us to expect and suggesting grounded ways of understanding and acting on it”
Approaching Research Tomorrow’s Professor – In general, doing research as a grad student and post-doc Pasteur’s Quadrant – understanding notions of basic and applied science Research Design – epistemology, theory/philosophy, methodology, methods Action Research – focus on iterative, collaborative, situated research
Tomorrow’s Professor Take home messages: Do the RIGHT research AND do the research RIGHT Breadth-on-depth Types of advisors Ask yourself the important questions about your research and advisor
Pasteur’s Quadrant
Research Design Epistemology Theory Methodology Methods
Knowledge Claims Postpositivism Constructivism Participatory Knowledge Claims Pragmatism
Action Research Parties working together – research “with” not “on” participants Iterative Interventionist
Next week’s assignment Come up with a research question OF YOUR OWN Write about how you would approach this question – Epistemologically – Philosophically and theoretically – Methodologically – With specific actions and methods Ask yourself the important questions from all of your readings Post your response on the wiki by Sunday at 5PM