KITE-LL Training MODULE 3 Assessing Students in KITE-LL
Student Assessment
Assessment Overview Full week of assessment activities 3 part assessment – Interpretive (during video lesson) – Presentational (during video lessons/face-to-face lessons) – Interpersonal (face-to-face lessons)
Assessment Set-up Week 9 Lesson 5 Review unit content according to lesson plan Create “class” version of the presentational assessment, use content not included in actual assessment Leave in class for students
Assessment Lessons Week 10 Lesson 1 (video lesson) Students sing a song or review rhyme from unit to reactivate knowledge. view a sample of the presentational assessment. begin creating their presentational assessment with word banks.
Assessment Lessons Week 10 Lesson 2 (video lesson) Students sing a song or review a rhyme from unit to reactivate knowledge. complete the interpretive assessment and turn into grade level teacher. continue to work on their presentational assessment.
Assessment Lessons Week 10 Lesson 3 (video lesson) Students sing a song or review a rhyme from unit to reactivate knowledge. finish their presentational assessment. see the video teacher and unit puppet model interpersonal assessment.
Assessment Lessons Week 10 Lesson 4 (face-to-face- lesson) Teacher models interpersonal assessment (teacher/class). Students complete Interpersonal assessment – round 1 (small groups/pairs). Students present presentational artifacts.
Assessment Lessons Week 10 Lesson 5 (face-to-face- lesson) Class sings a song of their choice from the unit. Students complete Interpersonal assessment – round 2 (small groups/pairs). Students present their presentational artifacts.
Management Presentational Assessment The grade level teacher gives handouts, collects them and returns them to the language teacher.
Management The Language Teacher establishes a system for distribution and collection of video lesson materials. ensures grade-level teacher access to assessment week lesson overviews.
Management Interpretive Assessment The Language Teacher reminds grade level teachers to – give handouts to students. – collect them at the end of the video lesson. – return them to the language teacher.
Management Presentational Assessment The Language Teacher reminds grade level teachers to – give handouts to students. – monitor student participation during the work segments.
Management Presentational Assessment The Language Teacher – facilitates student presentation of their projects during face-to- face lessons. – collects and scores the assessments.
Management Interpersonal Assessment The Language Teacher – models the interpersonal assessment with the students (teacher to class) – gives students multiple opportunities to complete the assessment during the two face- to-face lessons.
Evaluation Scoring Background Based on levels from the Student Oral Proficiency Assessment (SOPA) Novice-level performance based on national K-12 Performance Guidelines Ratings of 1, 2, 3
Evaluation Proficiency Levels 1 = Jr. Novice Low – memorized chunks of language – words in isolation 2 = Jr. Novice Mid – two to three word phrases – high-frequency expressions 3 = Jr. Novice High – phrases and sentences – signs of originality emerging
Evaluation Interpretive Assessment Typically 8 items Right or wrong – 3 Fantastic 7-8 correct – 2 Good job 4-6 correct – 1 Off to a good start 1-3 correct
Evaluation Presentational Assessment Rubric students see before assessment Three possible scores – 3 Fantastic – 2 Good job – 1 Off to a good start
Evaluation 1 Off to a good start – You can copy individual words to identify an animal in Spanish – You can identify the habitat of your animal – You can list single words to describe what your animal looks like and what it does
Evaluation 2 Good job – You can copy individual words to identify an animal in Spanish – You can identify the habitat of your animal – You can combine words to describe what your animal looks like and what it does
Evaluation 3 Fantastic – You can combine words to identify an animal in Spanish – You can describe the habitat of your animal – You can combine words to describe what your animal looks like and what it does – You can tell something about what your animal does not do or where it does not live
Evaluation Interpersonal Assessment Completed multiple times Rubric with descriptors Three possible scores – 3 Fantastic! – 2 Good job – 1 Off to a good start
Evaluation 1 Student language includes – Limited participation in conversation, activity – Limited vocabulary from the unit, repetition of same words – Use of words in isolation – Heavy use of English
Evaluation 2 Student language includes – One-sided conversation, primarily asks or answers questions, not both – Language from the unit – Words and phrases, combining words – Mixed use of target language and English
Evaluation 3 Student language includes – Asking and answering questions – Use of words and phrases, limited sentences possible – A variety of language from the unit and from previous units – Heavy use of target language
Evaluation Record-Keeping Excel Spreadsheet for each grade level, class section Track performance all year and from year-to-year Submit to SCDE at end of each unit May be used to place students in middle school language class
External Evaluation Resources LinguaFolio linguafolio/ SOPA sopaonline.html NOELLA
For Information Link to Overview of the KITE-LL Program Implementation Considerations KITE-LL Training Modules Plus/content/program.cfm?SeriesI Dpassed=78