MP3 Player/Boombox Kevin Davis Shane Neuville Dan Chao Andy Owens Christopher Tillery ECEN 4610: Capstone Laboratory Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
Project Objectives Record MP3s off CD-Rom onto hard drive Play MP3s off of hard drive Ability to select current track Ability to stop, pause, rewind, and fast forward Ability to delete songs Interactive LCD display Display artist and song title Display volume level
Division of Labor Chris: ProcessorProcessor Hard Drive / File StorageHard Drive / File Storage CD-RomCD-Rom Dan: ProcessorProcessor PCBPCB MP3 DecoderMP3 Decoder Shane: Logic / Bus ControlLogic / Bus Control Hard drive / File StorageHard drive / File Storage CD-RomCD-Rom Andy: Logic / Bus ControlLogic / Bus Control PCBPCB LCDLCD Kevin: Logic / Bus ControlLogic / Bus Control PCBPCB User InterfaceUser Interface
FPGA Xilinx Bus Arbitration Glue Logic
File Storage IDE Hard Drive Store the songs in mp3 format. Fat 16 Interface via an 8255 chip Mp3 Format CD’s Utilize ID3 tags to separate songs into directories on the hard drive. User can either play the CD, copy the CD to internal hard drive, or both.
File Storage Wav format CD’s User can either play the CD, copy the CD to internal hard drive, or both. User Specifies CD Name and Artist for wav format CDs. Files are stored in directories according to Artist and CD.
8255A Chip Description Chip Mode Selection Chip Mode Selection
Processor Motorola M68HC12BC32
Processing Power 16 bit Address and Data Bus Capability SCI and SPI serial interface Interfacing with RS232 Upward Compatible with M68HC11 instruction set
Project Components Processor Data Bus Address Bus FPGA LCD CD RomHard Drive Audio OutDecoder RAMEPROM Keypad
MP3 Encoder/Decoder MAS 3587F
Encoder/Decoder Specs Internal Clock ADC/DAC Encoding up to 192 kbit/s I2C Serial Interface
ID3 Tag Information 128 bytes at end of MP3 file Song title: 30 characters Artist: 30 characters Album: 30 characters Year: 4 characters Comment: 30 characters Genre: 1 byte
Storage Structure 1 st level of directory structure will be artists name. 2 nd level of directory structure will be CD title Songs can be stored at any level of the directory structure.
LCD Display - 4x20 characters Custom Start-up logo Menu to Choose: Play Song / Playlist Copy from CD Delete Songs Possible Playlist Editor Display ID3 tag information: Include at least Song Title and Artist Playtime and Volume displays possibly using bars
LCD Continued LCD interacts with keypad through User Interface LCD display controlled through RS-232 or I2C interface Buy LCD with controller or use HD44780 chip as controller Backlight to make viewing easier
Cost Estimates FPGA board: Free (provided by course) Processor: $15 MP3 Encoder/Decoder: $35 LCD Screen with controller: $60 PCB board: $100 RAM: $10 CD-ROM Drive: Free (used) Hard Drive: Free (used) Speakers: Free (used) Miscellaneous Parts: $100 Labor: Free Hours spent in basement of engineering center: Priceless Total Estimated Cost: $320
Positive Impact on Society Less space wasted by CDs and cases Eliminates problem of scratched CDs and misplaced CDs Better parties with greater selection of songs for easier DJing Adapted to car would result in less accidents caused by careless CD changing Less CD sales force bands to put on more shows
Negative Impacts Increased piracy of songs Less music produced as profits are driven down Wasted time listening to music may lead to less social interactions Sound noise may cause deafness Electrical noise may cause interferences with other devices
Risks and Contingency Plan Problem with Hard Drive storage system Simplify folders and file system Store songs on standard size increments of space to make addressing easier Problem with reading CD-Rom Use alternative interface such as USB to upload songs Preload Mp3s on Hard drive
Risks and Contingency Plan LCD Switch to character instead of graphical Display just file name if ID3 tag information is not available PCB Board does not work Debug or redesign layout Use Protoboard setup
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