Management of the quality assurance system at the University of East London Ruth Carter Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos socialinis fondas MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS
Overview University of East London (UEL) National Context - England The quality assurance system at the University of East London Securing standards Management of the quality framework at UEL
University of East London (UEL) Approx 20,000 students Campuses located at centre of Thames Gateway regeneration Stratford – the location of the 2012 Olympic park: Education, early childhood studies, linguistics Law, criminology Psychology Biosciences, health studies, sports studies, professional health sciences Docklands Business and management, accounting, economics Computing, engineering, surveying Architecture, visual arts Social sciences, international development, media and communications studies, creative industries, humanities
Student Profile at UEL GenderUELSector Male42%41% Female58%59% Age 20 and under24%31% 21 and over76% 69%
Student Profile at UEL EthnicityUEL Sector White41% 85% Black27% 5% Asian24% 8% Other8% 2% HEFCE Under-represented Groups UEL Sector Social Classes 4-749% 29% State Schools 99% 87%
Student Profile at UEL Highest Qualification on Entry UEL Sector Access 13% 3% A level 56% 75% Prof Quals 23% 15% Graduate 6% 4% Post grad 2% 1% No Formal Qual 0% 2%
National Context
The government Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) Funding provider and financial watchdog Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAAHE or QAA) Quality and quality assurance watchdog Conducts institutional audits
HE Academic Infrastructure Framework for higher education qualifications Subject benchmark statements Programme specifications Code of Practice
Framework for higher education qualifications Outlines the achievements and attributes represented by the main qualification titles eg Certificate in Higher Education, non- Honours degree, Bachelors degree, Masters degree, Doctoral Degree Defines: what holders of the qualification will be able to do qualities and transferable skills
Benchmark statements Reference points in a range of subject areas, eg Business, Accounting, Law To help to ensure that the standards of degree programmes across the UK meet an agreed level and cover agreed topics and skills.
Programme Specifications Internal and external information documents Outline the intended knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes of a student completing that programme Identify methods of assessment and degree classification
Code of practice – 10 parts Postgraduate research programmes Collaborative provision Students with disabilities External examining Academic appeals and student complaints on academic matters Assessment of students Programme approval, monitoring and review Career education, information and guidance Placement learning Recruitment and admissions
European standards and guidelines Policy and procedures for quality assurance Approval, monitoring and review of programmes Assessment procedures Quality assurance of teaching staff Learning resources and student support Information systems Public information
Quality Assurance at the University of East London
Aspects of an internal quality framework Appropriate to the needs and the vision Stakeholder oriented Trust and responsibility combined with institutional level audit Self evaluation Feedback Externality Closing the loop
UEL Quality Assurance principles We aim to assure the quality of the total student experience All staff are responsible for quality We aim to improve quality whenever possible We are committed to the principle of external peer involvement in assuring quality We take into account the views of our students
Key elements of the UEL QA system Programme approval Programme monitoring Periodic (6 year) review Annual audit Student views
Programme approvals Initial approval Validation document Programme and module specifications Evaluation against academic infrastructure, especially benchmarks and FHEQ, relevant sections of Code of Practice External advice – peer review Assessed against quality criteria Approved by School level quality committee Accreditation from professional bodies sought where appropriate
Annual monitoring Programme level To ensure programmes remain up-to-date Evaluate effectiveness of programmes and attainment of learning outcomes Review and enhancement Evidence includes statistical data, external examiner reports, student feedback, teaching learning and assessment developments, professional body feedback Peer reviewed Action planning School overview report
Periodic review 6 year review schedule Systematic evaluation of operation Process: Self evaluation 2 days peer review by a panel Evidence review Meetings with staff and students Report Criteria: Academic standards Quality of the student experience Review of quality processes
Institutional level audit processes Annual audit of a procedure ‘Internal’ external on School committee Audit policy implementation Validation and review sub-committee for programme approvals, and programme withdrawals External examiners sub-committee for external examiner nominations
Student input Representation on University committees Formal liaison meeting with Vice- Chancellor’s group Programme committees Consulted over changes to programmes Module evaluation Student Satisfaction surveys
Securing Standards
Academic Framework Modular Regulations Awards available and credit tariff Module structure and assessment Arrangements for registration and maximum study rates Accreditation of prior learning Requirements for passing a module Reassessment arrangements Degree classification
Assessment Policy Assessment design – eg relation to learning outcomes Processes for assessment moderation and marking, eg anonymity, second marking Timing of assessment, submission arrangements Arrangements for feedback Arrangements for students with disabilities Marking and grading criteria Assessment tariff
Role of external examiner Impartiality Ensuring comparability of standards across HE institutions Approving assessment tasks before students take them Reviewing assessed work Moderating marks Attending assessment boards Ensuring assessment regulations are observed Preparing a report
Framework for managing the quality system
Framework for managing quality Central overview through Quality and Standards Committee and its sub- committees Responsibility for process devolved to Schools – local ownership Internal review and audit mechanisms External advice Quality assurance and enhancement office – expert advice and guidance School Quality leader Quality Manual
Quality and Standards Committee Corporate responsibility for the assurance of quality and security of standards Promote and champion innovation and development to enhance the quality of the student experience Policy development Review outcomes and action plans relating to review processes Inform institutional policy in light of QAA developments Lead institutional responses to audit and consultations
Supporting management of quality Quality Leaders forum Quality leader representation on committees and working groups Guidance notes and templates Staff development Quality manual Quality officer allocated to each School
Role of School quality leader Provide leadership at School level Chair School quality committee Ensure operation of School quality processes Devise processes at local level Manage approval and monitoring processes
Role of QAE team Advice and support to schools in managing their quality assurance processes Manage periodic academic review Manage annual audit Advice to Schools and external partners in the development of collaborative academic links Manage collaborative and distance learning validations Manage the external examiner system Taking a lead role in preparations for external quality audits Ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies & complete relevant returns
Future developments From quality assurance to quality enhancement From teaching to learning Student input Curriculum design Membership of review panels