Management of the quality assurance system at the University of East London Ruth Carter Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos.


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Presentation transcript:

Management of the quality assurance system at the University of East London Ruth Carter Head of Quality Assurance and Enhancement EUROPOS SĄJUNGA Europos socialinis fondas MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS

Overview  University of East London (UEL)  National Context - England  The quality assurance system at the University of East London  Securing standards  Management of the quality framework at UEL

University of East London (UEL)  Approx 20,000 students  Campuses located at centre of Thames Gateway regeneration  Stratford – the location of the 2012 Olympic park: Education, early childhood studies, linguistics Law, criminology Psychology Biosciences, health studies, sports studies, professional health sciences  Docklands Business and management, accounting, economics Computing, engineering, surveying Architecture, visual arts Social sciences, international development, media and communications studies, creative industries, humanities

Student Profile at UEL GenderUELSector Male42%41% Female58%59% Age 20 and under24%31% 21 and over76% 69%

Student Profile at UEL EthnicityUEL Sector White41% 85% Black27% 5% Asian24% 8% Other8% 2% HEFCE Under-represented Groups UEL Sector Social Classes 4-749% 29% State Schools 99% 87%

Student Profile at UEL Highest Qualification on Entry UEL Sector Access 13% 3% A level 56% 75% Prof Quals 23% 15% Graduate 6% 4% Post grad 2% 1% No Formal Qual 0% 2%

National Context

 The government Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)  Funding provider and financial watchdog Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAAHE or QAA)  Quality and quality assurance watchdog  Conducts institutional audits

HE Academic Infrastructure  Framework for higher education qualifications  Subject benchmark statements  Programme specifications  Code of Practice

Framework for higher education qualifications  Outlines the achievements and attributes represented by the main qualification titles  eg Certificate in Higher Education, non- Honours degree, Bachelors degree, Masters degree, Doctoral Degree  Defines: what holders of the qualification will be able to do qualities and transferable skills

Benchmark statements  Reference points in a range of subject areas, eg Business, Accounting, Law  To help to ensure that the standards of degree programmes across the UK meet an agreed level and cover agreed topics and skills.

Programme Specifications  Internal and external information documents  Outline the intended knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes of a student completing that programme  Identify methods of assessment and degree classification

Code of practice – 10 parts  Postgraduate research programmes  Collaborative provision  Students with disabilities  External examining  Academic appeals and student complaints on academic matters  Assessment of students  Programme approval, monitoring and review  Career education, information and guidance  Placement learning  Recruitment and admissions

European standards and guidelines  Policy and procedures for quality assurance  Approval, monitoring and review of programmes  Assessment procedures  Quality assurance of teaching staff  Learning resources and student support  Information systems  Public information

Quality Assurance at the University of East London

Aspects of an internal quality framework  Appropriate to the needs and the vision  Stakeholder oriented  Trust and responsibility combined with institutional level audit  Self evaluation  Feedback  Externality  Closing the loop

UEL Quality Assurance principles  We aim to assure the quality of the total student experience  All staff are responsible for quality  We aim to improve quality whenever possible  We are committed to the principle of external peer involvement in assuring quality  We take into account the views of our students

Key elements of the UEL QA system  Programme approval  Programme monitoring  Periodic (6 year) review  Annual audit  Student views

Programme approvals  Initial approval  Validation document  Programme and module specifications  Evaluation against academic infrastructure, especially benchmarks and FHEQ, relevant sections of Code of Practice  External advice – peer review  Assessed against quality criteria  Approved by School level quality committee  Accreditation from professional bodies sought where appropriate

Annual monitoring  Programme level  To ensure programmes remain up-to-date  Evaluate effectiveness of programmes and attainment of learning outcomes  Review and enhancement  Evidence includes statistical data, external examiner reports, student feedback, teaching learning and assessment developments, professional body feedback  Peer reviewed  Action planning  School overview report

Periodic review  6 year review schedule  Systematic evaluation of operation  Process: Self evaluation 2 days peer review by a panel Evidence review Meetings with staff and students Report  Criteria: Academic standards Quality of the student experience Review of quality processes

Institutional level audit processes  Annual audit of a procedure  ‘Internal’ external on School committee  Audit policy implementation  Validation and review sub-committee for programme approvals, and programme withdrawals  External examiners sub-committee for external examiner nominations

Student input  Representation on University committees  Formal liaison meeting with Vice- Chancellor’s group  Programme committees  Consulted over changes to programmes  Module evaluation  Student Satisfaction surveys

Securing Standards

Academic Framework Modular Regulations  Awards available and credit tariff  Module structure and assessment  Arrangements for registration and maximum study rates  Accreditation of prior learning  Requirements for passing a module  Reassessment arrangements  Degree classification

Assessment Policy  Assessment design – eg relation to learning outcomes  Processes for assessment moderation and marking, eg anonymity, second marking  Timing of assessment, submission arrangements  Arrangements for feedback  Arrangements for students with disabilities  Marking and grading criteria  Assessment tariff

Role of external examiner  Impartiality  Ensuring comparability of standards across HE institutions  Approving assessment tasks before students take them  Reviewing assessed work  Moderating marks  Attending assessment boards  Ensuring assessment regulations are observed  Preparing a report

Framework for managing the quality system

Framework for managing quality  Central overview through Quality and Standards Committee and its sub- committees  Responsibility for process devolved to Schools – local ownership  Internal review and audit mechanisms  External advice  Quality assurance and enhancement office – expert advice and guidance  School Quality leader  Quality Manual

Quality and Standards Committee  Corporate responsibility for the assurance of quality and security of standards  Promote and champion innovation and development to enhance the quality of the student experience  Policy development  Review outcomes and action plans relating to review processes  Inform institutional policy in light of QAA developments  Lead institutional responses to audit and consultations

Supporting management of quality  Quality Leaders forum  Quality leader representation on committees and working groups  Guidance notes and templates  Staff development  Quality manual  Quality officer allocated to each School

Role of School quality leader  Provide leadership at School level  Chair School quality committee  Ensure operation of School quality processes  Devise processes at local level  Manage approval and monitoring processes

Role of QAE team  Advice and support to schools in managing their quality assurance processes  Manage periodic academic review  Manage annual audit  Advice to Schools and external partners in the development of collaborative academic links  Manage collaborative and distance learning validations  Manage the external examiner system  Taking a lead role in preparations for external quality audits  Ensuring compliance with regulatory bodies & complete relevant returns

Future developments  From quality assurance to quality enhancement  From teaching to learning  Student input Curriculum design Membership of review panels