Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 2 DEFINITION OF THE SECTOR Telecommunications comprises transmission of voice, data, text, sound and video content, without being involved in its creation
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 3 Structure of the German market 63.6 Bill EUR turnover in 2006, thereof Bill EUR fixed line telephony Bill EUR mobile Phone services Bill EUR leased lines Bill EUR interconnection Bill EUR cable TV Bill EUR other services
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 4 Challenges of TC for price statistics Market characteristics rapid changes in technology permanent introduction of new services strong competition between companies large changes in the market position of companies
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 5 Challenges of TC for price statistics Statistical challenges good timing for introduction/dropout of services Handling of changes in the condition of services quality adjustments for new services handling of bundles sensitiveness of data
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 6 CPI and SPPI for TC calculation within one unit Advantages persons have + a good expertise of the markets + good contacts to companies dual use of information but - separate calculation procedures for CPI and SPPI
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 7 Development of the German SPPI for TC In 2006 coordinated work started to revise the CPI and to develop the SPPI Work in two stages: obtaining the weighting data for CPI and SPPI developing the current surveys for SPPI The existence of a legal obligation made work much easier than in a previous pilot phase 2003/2004
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 8 In Germany the regulation authority is not allowed to pass individual statistical data to Destatis but Destatis got much technical advice from regulator regulator‘s annual questionnaires were used as a basis for statistical questionnaires results were cross checked statistical questionnaires contained weighting information required for CPI and SPPI Cooperation with the regulator
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 9 Business to Business- and Business to All- approach OECD/Eurostat task force: all sectors including the public sector or private householders EU-regulation 1158/2005 (concerning short term statistic STS-regulation) covers only services delivered to customers that are enterprises all business to business to business SPPI-concepts:
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 10 Business to Business- or Business to All- approach According to recent EU recommendations Germany follows the Business to All-approach
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 11 Sample design - Cut-off sample of all companies with a turnover of 100 Mill EUR and more - sample comprises 30 companies - covers 95% of the whole turnover of TC
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 12 Collection of information Unit value approach Units observed are: - Turnover and - number of.. (e.g. participants) or - minutes of telephone calls or - GByte of data transmission
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 13 Survey programme Division into two categories: - Fixed line telephony and internet use - mobile telephony
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 14 Main activities observed Fixed line telephony/internet use - Private final clients (minute prices by type of call, VoIP, flat rates, bundled products by types etc.) - Business final clients (same breakdown as above) - Wholesale of phone calls (specific breakdown per company) - Leased lines - Internet (e.g. provision and access via broad band/narrow band by type, flatrates)
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 15 Main activities observed Mobile telephony - Private and business final clients (basic fee, calls into different nets, flatrates, prepaid cards etc.) - Wholesale (contract clients, prepaid cards, calls by nets, etc.) - National roaming (language, SMS, MMS, etc.) - International roaming (see above)
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 16 Flat rates and bundled products - Increasing importance since flat rates common for fixed line telephony, mobile phone, Internet - bundled products mainly fixed line telephony and Internet - all types of bundled products exist (combination of flat rates and/or quantity related tariffs) - shift to higher data transmission standards in Internet use (quality change) - regular update of survey programme necessary -
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 17 Burden for companies - Specific questionnaires for companies according to their activities. - These questionnaires form a subset of the complete survey programme
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 18 Calculation procedure Separate computation for the sectors - fixed line telephony/internet (no separation because of bundling) and - mobile telephony Company specific calculation (drastic changes of market share of market participants)
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 19 Calculation procedure - Per company service output is divided into homogeneous subsets for which value and quantity data are available - indices per service output are calculated and aggregated at the level of the company - indices for companies are aggregated to sectoral indices - sectoral indices are aggregated to TC total
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Slide 20
Federal Statistical Office of Germany FSO Germany - Peter Roemer - Division Prices – 2008 MEETING OF VOORBURG GROUP, AGUASCALIENTES Discussion ?! Roemer Peter, Destatis Germany Telefone: ++49 (0)