Monocots II Sedges have edges Rushes are round Grasses have nodes from the top to the ground
General flowers
Juncaceae - Rush family Perennial herbs Spiral, sheathing leaves Trimerous flowers Actinomorphic flowers Loculicidal capsule 7 genera / 430 species P 3+3 [2+2 or 3] A 3+3 [3+0 or 2] G (3), superior, hypanthium absent
Juncus acutus
Juncus bufonius
Juncus dubius
Juncus phaeocephalus
Cyperaceae – Sedge Family Sedges have edges BUT, Scripus (Bulrush) has very round stems Bristles or hairs in place of sepals and petals Fruit is an achene or a nutlet and lens- shaped or triangular 90 genera and 4000 species
Cyperus papyrus - papyrus
Eleocharis dulcis – water chestnut
Poaceae - Grass family Hollow-pithed stems Open-sheathed, distichous leaves Ligule may be present at inner junction with blade Grass spikelet = axis + two basal glumes + 1-∞ florets Floret = short lateral axis + lemma + palea + flower Fruit is a caryopsis (grain). 668 genera / 9,500 species P 2-3 lodicules A 2-3 (pendulous) G (2-3)
1) Agricultural grains (most important food in world): barley (Hordeum) corn (Zea) oats (Avena) rice (Oryza) rye (Secale) wheat (Triticum); 2) forage and grazing plants; 3) important components of many ecosystems, such as grasslands and savannahs. Economic Importance
distichous leaf arrangement
open sheath
Bambusa spp. - Bamboo
Fruit is a caryopsis
Achnatherum coronatum
Agrostis pallens
Arundo donax Invasive
Avena barbata
Avena fatua – Wild Oats
Bromus tectorum – Cheatgrass Invasive
Cortaderia selloana – Pampas Grass
Cynodon dactylon Bermuda Grass