Fleet Partner Information. November Plugging fleets into electric vehicles
1 About the Toronto Atmospheric Fund TAF is the City of Toronto’s climate change agency, dedicated to helping the City, its residents and businesses reduce their climate impact. TAF leverages its own endowment to incubate, test & accelerate solutions with the potential to result in significant greenhouse gas emission reductions.
2 TAF’s Toolbox Grants to non-profits Investments in for-profits & social enterprises Direct program delivery through fundraising & partnerships
3 FleetWise EV300 Program Objectives Public and private fleets jointly procure, drive, charge, evaluate and promote 300 electric vehicles in the GTA by Deployment of highway-ready, certified plug-in hybrid electric (PHEV) and battery electric (BEV) light-duty vehicles. 2.EV-friendly policy enablers that will support widespread EV deployment in the region, including accessible charging infrastructure. 3.Marketing and education of EVs as a low-carbon transportation option and the GTA as an emerging and ready market to welcome EV & EVSE suppliers.
4 FleetWise EV300: Helping fleets make the right choices Program benefits Determine the right vehicles to replace with an EV Business case development Assistance with EV & charging infrastructure procurement Third-party in-service performance reporting Information exchange with other fleets & the OEMs
5 FleetWise EV300: Helping fleets make the right choices
6 FleetCarma vehicle selector tool How do EVs fit into your fleet? How will they perform based on your real-time usage pattern? What’s a realistic solution for your fleet?
7 FleetCarma: sample report
9 EValuation Calculator What is the total cost of ownership? How does this compare to a conventional vehicle? What savings can you anticipate? Customizable assumptions: - Pricing for base models - Available incentives - Ownership period, residual value, lease price, cost of capital - Annual mileage - Price of gas, electricity w/ inflation over time - Cost per tonne of carbon - Maintenance intervals, driver inconvenience, loss of work Customizable assumptions: - Pricing for base models - Available incentives - Ownership period, residual value, lease price, cost of capital - Annual mileage - Price of gas, electricity w/ inflation over time - Cost per tonne of carbon - Maintenance intervals, driver inconvenience, loss of work
10 EValuation Calculator sample report
11 eDriver Training A customized two-hour training course What is the environmental impact of transportation? Primer on plug-in solutions Benefits & concerns about EVs Tips for maximizing the performance of EVs Real-world scenarios & examples
12 eDriver Training sample slide Range ReducingConditionRange Extending High acceleration, speedDriving styleLow acceleration, speed Air conditioning onAir conditioning usageAir conditioning off HighwayCity / HighwayCity Heavy payloadPayloadLight payload Windy, wetWeatherCalm, dry Uphill, roughRoad conditionsFlat / Downhill, smooth C-modeD-modeB-mode * Figures reflect unofficial testing Km/charge Source: Mitsubishi Motors Canada
13 FleetWise EV300 Strategic & Fleet Partners 13
14 FleetWise EV300 OEM Partners 14 Custom analysis to determine the best fit within fleets Centralized voice to OEMs for best pricing and earliest delivery Individual choice in the vehicles being procured by fleets
15 FleetWise EV300: Working together 15 Fleet Partners 5,000 light-duty vehicles Demand projections 2011: EVs 2012: EVs 60 vehicles in Fall 2011
16 Moving forward Ongoing recruitment of EV300 Fleet Partners - Establish an MOU - Submit your fleet demand projections - Deploy the FleetCarma selection tool - Run the EValuation Calculator Assistance with procurement of EVs - Liaise between OEMs & Fleet Partners Delivery of eDriver Training In-service monitoring & verification Telling our story - Sharing of experiences amongst fleets - Media releases - Press events - Green Ambassadors
17 Ben Marans Manager, Social Innovation & Transportation