EE 296 Team Da Kine James Cuaresma – Software Wesley Mina - Hardware Regi Morales - Hardware Henry Do - Software
Overview To create a moving object which can traverse through the maze and find the center of the maze without any human intervention.
Goals Get the mouse to move Find the center Achieve Record Time Win the competition Save the world
Initial Design 8 Sensors Tremaux solving algorithm Two wheels Symmetric Chassis AA Ni-MH Batteries Semi-Blind Movement Dark Alley Function
Problems Sensors too high from the wall Sensors intermittent Stuck in cracks Power Distribution Mosfets Heating Up Hardware/Software Interface Alignment Debris in the Maze
Solutions Chassis Balance (Spaced sliders further apart) Sensor Orientation (1 – [F/B], 3 – [L/R] Triangle Design) Wiggle Function (Detect left and right wall) Step Function (to detect front wall) Heat sinks (Mosfets are heating up) Connectors (Motors and power supply) Added Panels (Lower Sensor Placement) Added LEDs (Debug Sensors) Port Changes (Blown Ports)
Status Temperamental Movement Alignment Correction adjustment Movement Troubleshooting Tracking Troubleshooting Dark Alley adjustments Turning adjustments Wiggle Function adjustments
Future Improvements Increase amount of sensors (Prevent wiggling function) Etching (Simplifies our wiring) Rabbit Placement (Accessibility for loading code) Balance (Reduce the amount of rocking) Lighter Batteries Adjustable Sensor Height Add more connectors Pseudo Mouse (Better software testing) Brighter LEDs (Debug)