Proof of Identity Research Prepared for COI on behalf of the Identity and Passport Service TNS Consumer April 2008 Job number: TNS
2 Background Face-to-face quantitative survey amongst representative sample of 2,117 adults in the UK Respondents selected using Random Probability Sampling controlled by quotas Interviews carried out in respondents’ homes using a hand held computer via TNS Omnibus Fieldwork between 28 March and 01 April 2008 Significant differences at 95% confidence level are shown by Questionnaire designed by TNS and COI on behalf of the Identity and Passport Service
3 Proof of Identity Held UK passports and driving licences are held by most respondents Source:Q1Which of the following do you hold? Base:All respondents (2128)
4 Proof of Identity Held Sub-group analysis Source:Q1Which of the following do you hold? Base:All respondents (2128)
5 Proof of Identity Held Sub-group analysis Source:Q1Which of the following do you hold? Base:All respondents (2128)