1 LBSC 690: Week 9 SQL, Web Forms. 2 Discussion Points Websites that are really databases Deep vs. Surface Web.


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Presentation transcript:

1 LBSC 690: Week 9 SQL, Web Forms

2 Discussion Points Websites that are really databases Deep vs. Surface Web

3 Putting the Pieces Together Web Server HTML CGI Browser SQL Query Results Database

4 Simple Examples Let’s do some simple things together You are a publisher Create a table that will provide book info to libraries and book stores –Table Book –Title, author, year published, ISBN, sale price Create a table to describe books for the accounting/marketing department –Table Money –ISBN, copies sold, publishing cost

5 Bringing Data Together We want to figure out the profit for each book –ISBN, sale price, publishing cost Join tables Book and Money –On ISBN Restrict/Select –ISBN, sale price, publishing cost

6 Example 2 Get the titles of 10 of Stephen King’s books Select –Title Restrict –Where author = “Stephen King” –(Don’t worry about syntax - quotes, etc) LIMIT 10

7 Example 3 Get the titles of Stephen King’s 10 most recent books Select –Title Restrict –Where author = “Stephen King” –(Don’t worry about syntax - quotes, etc) ORDER BY –year LIMIT 10

8 Example 4 Get the title and data on the profit for Stephen King’s 10 most recent books Join tables Book and Money on ISBN Select –Title, sale price, publishing cost Restrict –where author=“Stephen King” Order by year Limit 10

9 Utility Service Database Design a database to keep track of service calls for a utility company: –Customers call to report problems –Call center manages “tickets”, assigning workers to jobs Must match the worker’s specialty and service location (zip code) Must balance number of assignments (give new job to appropriate worker with the lowest work load) –Workers call in and ask where their next jobs are In SQL, you can perform the following operations: –Count the number of rows in a result set –Sort the result set according to a field –Find the maximum and minimum value of a field

10 A Possible Answer: Tables Customer: cid, contact name, phone number, address, zip Worker: wid, name, phone number, location code, specialty Ticket: tid, problem, cid, wid, time assigned, status Area: zip, location code

11 One Possible Answer: Queries Customer calls: I have a problem! –Join customer, area, and worker tables on zip and location code; restrict on cid and specialty → available workers –For each worker, count outstanding tickets –Insert a record in the ticket table, assigning job to worker to fewest assigned jobs Worker calls: Where’s my next job? And what’s the problem? –Join ticket and customer tables on cid; restrict on status = “not yet completed”, sort rows by time assigned

12 Expand Your Database Include information on customer billing –Include a bill, the date of the bill, due date, cost, and past due status Service requests require a customer’s account be current Worker calls to check on the status of a customer’s account

13 Table Billing Table –cid, bill date, due date, amount due, past due status Query Join ticket and billing tables on cid Restrict by ticket number Select past due status