High-Level Introduction to Product Life Cycle: Derived from the Intel ® Platform Program Life Cycle HM 6/20/2007
2 Purpose & Scope The Product life cycle (PLC) specification describes a framework by which an organization manages the development of its products from inception to EOL, applicable to all components of the organization.
Product Life Cycle (PLC) Exploration Planning Refresh Development Product Production Candidate (PPC) Product Qualified (PLQ) Product Post Mortem Product Architecture Document (PAD) Product Deployment Opportunity Assessment (OA) Opportunity To Product Map (OPM) Product Qual Approval (PQA) Product Launch Approval (PLA) Opportunity Feasibility Approval Opportunity Identification Approval Opportunity Scope Approval Opportunity Commit Approval Product Commit Approval (PCA) Product Feasibility Approval (PFA) Product Scope Approva (PSA) Product Integration Exit Product Integration ReadyProduct Design Complete
4 Overview of PLC Phases Exploration Phase analyzes market, business and technology trends & opportunities which identify product solutions, which are implementable and of clear added value. Planning Phase formalizes next level of detail including market requirements, decision times, Product scope, usage, features, technology integration, and POR. Development Phase implements requirements defined in Planning Phase; its Milestones are synchronization points to quantify progress toward goal. Refresh Phase constitutes further product revisions (or EOL) after initial product launch; may include updates to software, hardware, and other technologies. ExplorationExploration PlanningPlanning RefreshRefresh DevelopmentDevelopment
5 Corporate Action over PLC Phases