1 5 bit binary to 1 of 32 select decoder (to be used in 5 bit DAC) Dan Brisco, Steve Corriveau Advisor: Dave Parent 14 May 2004
2 Agenda Abstract Introduction –Why –Simple Theory –Back Ground information (Lit Review) Summary of Results Project (Experimental) Details Results Conclusions
3 Abstract We designed the circuit to operate at 200MHz with room for extra logic stages for the analog conversion yet to be added. We needed to assure that only one output was selected at a time without having to clocking the outputs. Our design is 171.6um X 534.6um and uses 1.02mW of power.
4 Introduction A 5 bit DAC as IP will be very useful for DSP projects in the future. Design a decoder with symmetric rise and fall times and minimal settling errors. We have laid out our circuit utilizing the best timing path even though we calculated and tested it for the worst case.
5 Previous Work 2003 Gonzalez, Yu & Korbes. 6-bit Analog to Digital / Digital to Analog Converter Baker, Li & Boyce. CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation Allen & Holberg. CMOS Analog Circuit Design Kang & Leblebici. CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits.
6 Project Summary A 6 bit DAC was presented last year that had a non-linear output with possible reasons being. –Timing issues –More than one output being selected –Settling time causing selection of the wrong output. Our design has 5 logic levels. –We designed for 10 to allow for the analog conversion later.
7 Project Details The 5 to 32 bit decoder utilized 4 base cells. –Nand3, Inverter and Nand2 were used to build a Nand5. Nand2 & 3 and Inv cell heights are 15.9um. –Mux based DFF with nRST was used to hold the input logic and fan out the signals to 32 Nand5’s for decoding. DFF cell height is 36.0um. Nand5 cell height is 29.4um. –The whole design is 171.6um X 534.6um.
8 Longest Path Calculations Note: All widths are in microns and capacitances in fF
9 5 to 32 bit Decoder
10 5 to 32 bit Decoder
11 Mux DFF with nRST
12 DFF Master
13 DFF Slave
14 Mux DFF with nRST D CLK nRST Q nQ
15 Nand5
16 Nand5
17 Verification
18 Verification
19 Simulations
20 Simulations
21 Cost Analysis We estimate the time we spent on each phase of the project to be, –verifying logic – 16hrs –verifying timing – 16hrs –Layout – 32hrs –post extracted timing – 4hrs –Log-in/out – 8hrs
22 Conclusions This project provided a good basis for IC design. –We looked at several ways to implement and optimize the design. –Working through the design flow as a team provided great a experience that will help with working on the job. We were able to design a very clean select 1 output. There is some repeated logic that could be taken out if cell based design wasn’t part of the specification.
23 Lessons Learned Start early. Be ready to redesign from scratch. Don’t hurry. A steady pace, with lots of reflecting, works best.
24 Acknowledgements Thanks to Denise and Shannon for putting up with us and encouraging us to study. Thanks to Cadence Design Systems for the VLSI lab. Thanks to Synopsys for Software donation. Professor Parent and his many consults. Grant us peace.