“Deacons likewise…” 1Timothy 3:8ff We used eight lessons to prepare us to select and appoint additional Elders. We plan to utilize two to prepare us to “select from among you…men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may put in charge of this task.” Acts 6:3 “Why only two lessons?” -Many of the qualifications for the office of Deacon are the same as that for an Elder. For example “husband of one wife” and “dignified” mean the same things for deacons that they did for elders. -The duties of Deacons are simpler to describe.
Deacons: The Scriptural Basis for the Office There are primarily 3 passages which give the scriptural authority for Deacons: -1Timothy 3:8-13, by listing qualifications. Why would the Spirit give them if the office was unimportant / unnecessary? -Philippians 1:1 gives the scriptural organizational structure of the local congregation, which includes Saints, Overseers, and Deacons. -Acts 6:1-6, which does not specifically call them “deacons,” but clearly shows the work to which they were committed was service-oriented, cp. 1Tim.3:10,13.
Deacons: The Meaning of the Word Diakonos means “one who executes the commands of another, a servant, an attendant, minister” (Thayer). It is used in a common and special sense. Here are some of the common usages: -Christ, Rom.15:8 and Gal.2:17 -Apostles, 2Cor.3:5-6 -Preachers, 1Tim.4:6 -Governing Authorities, Rom.13:4 -Household Servants, John 2:5,9 -Disciples, John 12:26 -Christian Women, Rom.16:1
Deacons: The Meaning of the Word But Diakonos also is used in a special, or official sense. Here it refers to a special class of servants who meet certain qualifications and are appointed to specific tasks for which they are responsible. -Phil.1:1 They are saints, but distinct from them also. -1Tim.3:8-13 They must meet additional standards, or qualifications. -Acts 6:1-6 Although are not called “deacons” in the text, they were appointed to a specific task of service, cf. 1Tim.3:10,13.
Deacons: Their Work There are misconceptions regarding the work of Deacons: -Like “Elder”, “Deacon” is not an honorary title- it is an office characterized by work and service. -But unlike Elders, Deacons are not appointed to oversee the congregation. They are appointed to oversee a specific task of service, cp. Acts.20:28 with Acts 6:1-6. -This does not mean that they take care of the physical matters while the Elders take care of the spiritual issues….
Deacons: Their Work Deacons may be appointed to specific spiritual tasks as well- just not the overall oversight, which is the Elders’ responsibility. -For example, Bro. Shawn Smith is the Deacon who oversees our children’s bible classes for us. -This is a spiritual and physical service. -But he still answers to the Elders with regard to his specific area of responsibility and the service that he renders. -He, like all Deacons, has been put “in charge” of a specific task, cf. Acts 6:3, whether it is spiritual or physical.
Deacons: Conclusion In our next lesson, we will look at the qualifications of Deacons, as given in 1Timothy 3:8-13. Then, we will begin the process of selecting from among us, men of good reputation, full of the Spirit and wisdom, whom we may put in charge of some of the tasks of service for Southside. Why? -Our Deacons need help- we’ve gone from 6 to 2. - And for the same reason it was done in Acts 6:2,4- that the Apostles/Elders could devote themselves to the ministry of the Word and oversight. -Deacons are an essential part for the efficient work of any congregation. That’s why the Lord, in His wisdom, gave them to us!