Katarzyna Dziewanowska, PhD Faculty of Management Warsaw University 1
Area: 312,679 km2 Population: 38.1 million Men: 48.3% Women: 51.7%
Data GDP (bn PLN) ,0601,1751,266 GDP change (previous year=100) FDI inflow (mln €)10,2378,33015,74116,67410,970 Unemployment rate (%) Exports (mln €)65,84777,56293,406105,893114,566 Imports (mln €)70,39979,80498,945118,262139,329 Inflation rate (previous year=100)
Employment : ◦ Micro: up to 10 people, Small: up to 50, Medium: up to 250 Net income: ◦ Micro: up to € 2 m, Small: up to € 10 m, Medium: up to € 50m Assets: ◦ Micro: up to € 2 m, Small: up to € 10 m, Medium: up to € 43m 4
The importance of SME in Poland: They constitute 99% of operators (95% in other OECD countries) They provide 68,4% of GDP They employ 64,3% working people (60-70% in other OECD countries) They generate over 45% of export (25-35% in other OECD countries) 5
YearTotal SME Share (%) ,23302,4131,528,999, ,63410,2138,028,399, ,83402,2141,528,399, ,63436,8145,728,399, ,03455,6147,428,499,87
Resources Strategy development Organizational structure Risk-taking Flexibility Sources of market information 7
Hidden Champion Cooperation Anonymous Contractor Born Global 8
1. Building a position on local market 2. Careful selection of foreign markets – a few 3. Careful selection of foreign business partner 4. Building a strong brand 5. Careful segmentation process and segment selection 6. Marketing mix adjusted to foreign markets’ needs 9
Ambitious!!! Takes advantage of SME’s strengths Full control Gradual involvement Costs, costs, costs! Time-consuming Risky… 10
1. Horizontal integration of producers 2. Building a strong brand (common or regional) on local and foreign markets 3. Other decisions relating to foreign markets are made by a joint company 13
Position on markets based on common/ regional brand Cheaper and less risky Members do not compete against each other Common company may take over the control Less flexible Works only for homogeneous products 14
15 Mazovia FruitFresh Fruit Poland Group
Internationalization Fast and parallel on many markets Pro-active motives for entering FM Competition Innovative and high quality product Close relationships with clients Building a network with international partners Building a strong brand Market segmentation – focus on a niche Highly standardized marketing mix Owner 16
Ambitious!!! Takes advantage of SME’s strengths Full control Becomes a part of marketing network Costs Profits in long term Risky Requires highly innovative products 17
1. Careful selection of partners (local or foreign) 2. Market selection is of secondary importance 3. Focus on production efficiency and low costs 4. Almost all marketing activities are done by a partner 19
Easier and cheaper Product matches the market needs Low risk in short term Beginning of more adventurous activities Passive – no experience gained No relations with final customers Long term risk Low profit per unit Weak negotiation position 20
Syntex Romeo Zbąszyń