Plaque Debulking Prior to Stenting Dr. Layth A. Mimish The Cardiovascular Consultants Group Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
The Role of Plaque Burden in Non-Stent Interventions
The Relationship Between Residual Plaque Burden Post Stenting and Neo-Intimal Hyperplasia
Site of Restenosis (STOP Trial)
Quantitative Angiography (SOLD Registry)
IVUS Measurements
Procedural & In-Hospital Complications SOLD Registry
Restenosis & TLR (SOLD Registry)
Location of Restenosis
Plaque Area & Restenosis
Debulking / Stenting Attenuates Late Loss in Response to Acute Gain
Is it All Debulking Effect
Is This Debulking
TLR Rates in Trials According To Better Debulking
How Aggressive Should Debulking Be ?
Debulking / Stenting in Ostial LAD lesions
DCA / Stenting For Ostial Lesions
Debulking Ostial Lesions
LM Disease
Newer Debulking Devices
Design Goals
Instent Restenosis
HSRA For Instent Restenosis
Laser For Instent Restenosis