CS 1 – Introduction to Computer Science Introduction to the wonderful world of Dr. T Dr. Daniel Tauritz
Teaching (1): AI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CS347) – problem solving through state space search AI Tournament Series –FS2007: Mancala (December 1 st )
Teaching (2): EC Evolutionary Computing (CS301/CS348) stochastic, population-based algorithms inspired by natural evolution theory capable of solving complex problems for which other techniques fail Advanced Evolutionary Computing (CS448)
Other AI/EC courses at UMR CS 378 Neural Networks & Applications CS 404 Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery CS 447 Advanced Topics in AI EE 338 Fuzzy Logic Control CpE 301 Computational Intelligence CpE 401 Adaptive Critic Designs EMAN 478 Advanced Neural Networks
Natural Computation Lab Research Projects Critical Infrastructure Protection Automated Software Engineering Intrusion Detection Systems Inverse Diffusion Analysis Intelligent System to Dynamically Optimize Simulations for Mixed-Granularity Distributed Environments Autonomous Evolutionary Algorithms
Extracurricular UMR Center for Cyber Defenders Node (affiliated with Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM) IEEE Computer Society –UMR IEEE Computer Society chapter ACM –UMR ACM chapter
UMR ACM SIG Security Come to the meetings every other week Tuesdays 7:00pm Room 209A, CS Building