Canada What do these pictures show?
Canada Picture 1
Canada Picture 1 - Canadian flag.
Canada Picture 1 - Canadian flag. The current Canadian flag has been used since It is red and white with a maple leaf in the centre. The aspect ratio of the flag is 1:2. The Canadian flag is one of the best-known flags in the world, mainly because Canadian ice-hockey players are one of the best in the world. Because of the flag, Canada is also nicknamed The Maple Leaf Country. Canada, like many other Commonwealth countries, has Queen Elisabeth II. as the formal head, but it is the governor (guvernér) who has the real power.
Canada Picture 2
Canada Picture 2 - Niagara Falls (of course!)
Canada Picture 2 - Niagara Falls (of course!) Niagara Falls are waterfalls on the Niagara river that joins Lake Erie to Lake Ontario on the US-Canadian border. The waterfalls are a very popular tourist attraction. Many married couples like to spend their honeymoon (líbánky) in that area. The waterfalls are also used to produce electricity.
Canada Picture 3
Canada Picture 3 - Canadian parliament in Ottawa
Canada Picture 3 - Canadian parliament in Ottawa Ottawa is the capital city of Canada, the seat of the parliament and the government. Ottawa is situated in the south-east of the country. It is not the biggest city of the country, it is just one of many big cities in Canada, among Montréal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Québec, Vancouver, and many more.
Canada Picture 4
Canada Picture 4 - Toronto
Canada Picture 4 - Toronto Toronto is the largest city in Canada. There live 2.5 million people in the city. It is also a very important business and culture centre as well as a cosmopolitan city where about 50% people were born outside Canada! In the picture you could see the main landmark (dominanta) of the city, the CN Tower, 533 metres tall, which used to be (bývala) the tallest building in the world.
Canada Picture 4 - Toronto Toronto is the largest city in Canada. There live 2.5 million people in the city. It is also a very important business and culture centre as well as a cosmopolitan city where about 50% people were born outside Canada! In the picture you could see the main landmark (dominanta) of the city, the CN Tower, 533 metres tall, which used to be (bývala) the tallest building in the world.
Canada Picture 5
Canada Picture 5 - Québec /kwi'bek/
Canada Picture 5 - Québec /kwi'bek/ Québec is the capital city of the province of the same name. It is the only Canadian city whose historical centre is a World Heritage Site. The landmark of the city is the Château Frontenac (it was shown in the picture). The people in the Québec province speak mainly French and many of them would like Québec to become an independent country.Château Frontenac
Canada Picture 6
Canada Picture 6 - Official Logo of the 2010 Olympic Games in Toronto
Canada Picture 6 - Official Logo of the 2010 Olympic Games in Toronto Vancouver, one of the largest Canadian cities, hosted the 2010 Olympic Winter Games. It has been the most important sport event held (sportovní akce pořádaná) in Canada in the 21 st century. The games were very successful for both Czech and Canadian athletes (sportovci), but many people will also remember them as an event where too many athletes became seriously injured and where one athlete even died during the competition.
Canada Picture 7
Canada Picture 7 - Canadian ice-hockey players (of course!)
Canada Picture 7 - Canadian ice-hockey players (of course!) Ice-hockey is the national sport in Canada. It is logical because Canada is the cradle of ice-hockey, ice-hockey came into being (vznikl) in Canada. The Canadian team is one of the best teams in the world. Canada has won 8 Olympic gold medals so far in men's tournaments and 3 in women's tournaments.
That is all, friends! Thanks for your attention!