BA271 Week 5 Lecture: First half of course review Dave Sullivan
Goals for today… Review Upcoming Schedule Review Upcoming Schedule Website Project - FINAL Website Project - FINAL –Creating websites people will visit. –Good design vs. bad design. –How to get an A for your website. General ideas about the computer field General ideas about the computer field –Animated GIFs –Building movies Midterm ideas Midterm ideas
Upcoming Schedule Thursday morning or afternoon: midterm! (In basement computer labs) Thursday morning or afternoon: midterm! (In basement computer labs) Friday at noon: Final website due Friday at noon: Final website due Next week: begin studying Access and database concepts Next week: begin studying Access and database concepts
Website Project - FINAL Requirements: Requirements: –Goals/Sources page Target audience and expected results Target audience and expected results Annotated bibliography – tell us what you did Annotated bibliography – tell us what you did –Photos page –Feedback form –Publish on \\cob-storage\studentwebdata –OSU link and disclaimer –A development copy in your \classwork\ba271 folder
Website Project - FINAL Suggestions: Suggestions: –Writing quality, content, style, and creativity –Common header areas –Use tables to organize parts of a page well –Use book marks for long pages –Construct a customized logo with a paint or draw program
General ideas about the computer field Gordon Moore’s LawGordon Moore’s Law. Gordon Moore’s Law Gordon Moore made his famous observation in 1965, just four years after the first planar integrated circuit was discovered. He predicted the doubling of transistors every couple of years. Gordon Moore made his famous observation in 1965, just four years after the first planar integrated circuit was discovered. He predicted the doubling of transistors every couple of years.
General ideas about the computer field Ray Kurzweil’s lawRay Kurzweil’s law. Ray Kurzweil’s law Evolution applies positive feedback in that the more capable methods resulting from one stage of evolutionary progress are used to create the next stage. Each epoch of evolution has progressed more rapidly by building on the products of the previous stage. Evolution applies positive feedback in that the more capable methods resulting from one stage of evolutionary progress are used to create the next stage. Each epoch of evolution has progressed more rapidly by building on the products of the previous stage.
Animated GIFs PaintShopPro's Animation Shop PaintShopPro's Animation Shop PaintShopPro's Animation Shop PaintShopPro's Animation Shop Lets you pack up several pictures in one file. Lets you pack up several pictures in one file. Works best if you draw well … or if you scale a bunch of photos to the same size Works best if you draw well … or if you scale a bunch of photos to the same size
Movies Building and editing movies with a PC Building and editing movies with a PC Example of an Producer tutorial: \\cob- storage\faculty\sullivan\RisserDemo ullivan/producer/tutorial_files/Default. htm Example of an Producer tutorial: \\cob- storage\faculty\sullivan\RisserDemo ullivan/producer/tutorial_files/Default. htm \\cob- storage\faculty\sullivan\RisserDemo ullivan/producer/tutorial_files/Default. htm \\cob- storage\faculty\sullivan\RisserDemo ullivan/producer/tutorial_files/Default. htm