stanford hci group / cs376 research topics in human-computer interaction Seminal Ideas in Human-Computer Interaction Scott Klemmer 30 September 2004
29 September Seminal Ideas CS547: 12:30-2:00, Gates B01 Tomorrow: Patrick Baudisch, Microsoft Research Making Sense on Small Screens Today’s ‘smart’ cell phones are designed to allow users to perform a set of comparably simple tasks, such as reproducing driving directions or recalling bookmarked websites. More demanding variants of the same activities, such as route planning or the interactive exploration of the web, on the other hand, have received only limited or no support. And why should they--it is more convenient for users to perform these activities on their PCs to then simply upload the results to the device.
29 September Seminal Ideas Projects… To recap: Pairs are strongly encouraged Projects should be mini-research projects What are people’s ideas?
29 September Seminal Ideas Project proposal 1 page pair submissions due 10/10 by 9am Proposal must include Fieldwork (find an important problem) Some form of implementation (create solutions) paper prototypes are great web, flash, mobile phone, java, … Some form of evaluation (how do these solutions work?) Which of these you emphasize is your choice Ron and I can offer advice on this; swing by office hours
29 September Seminal Ideas
29 September Seminal Ideas
29 September Seminal Ideas
29 September Seminal Ideas
29 September Seminal Ideas
29 September Seminal Ideas
29 September Seminal Ideas
29 September Seminal Ideas Vannevar Bush Helps us stretch our minds and think about bigger issues There’s a rich history to our discipline Focused on creativity augmentation Paper v. digital documents reading v. searching (books) automatic/configurable v. auditable (votes)
29 September Seminal Ideas Ivan Sutherland video
29 September Seminal Ideas Xerox Alto/Star video