Andre Seyfarth Hartmut Geyer Fumiya Iida Leg design and control of locomotion Zurich, 25 May 2004 Locomotion Lab Jena
Locomotion Experiments Neuromechanical Models Technical Implementation Gait Transitions 3D-instrumented Treadmill Gait specific control templates Legged Systems Gait Orthesis
Locomotion Experiments Neuromechanical Models Technical Implementation
Central hypothesis To achieve periodic movement patterns, an appropriate design criterion is required. To achieve periodic movement patterns, an appropriate design criterion is required. In our approach, system stability is such a criterion. In our approach, system stability is such a criterion.
Stability requirements InternalGlobalLeg Operation
Stability requirements InternalLeg Operation Segmentation Segmentation Control at Joint Level Control at Joint Level
Stability requirements GlobalLeg Operation Running Running Walking Walking Gait Transition Gait Transition
Part I Internal Leg Operation Internal Leg Operation
Biologically Inspired Approach In many task, the leg behavior can be compared to a simple mechanical spring. In many task, the leg behavior can be compared to a simple mechanical spring.
Control of a segmented leg Idea
Control of a segmented leg Idea
Control of a segmented leg Idea
Control of a segmented leg
Solutions Seyfarth et al. (2001) Biol. Cybern. Biarticular Structures (e.g. Muscles) Geometric Constraints (e.g. Heel pad) +
Control at Joint Level Where does the muscle activation for periodic movements come from?
Control at Joint Level P(t) STIM(t) Geyer et al. (2003) Proc.Roy.Soc.B. Positive Force Feedback
Control at Joint Level
Part II Global Leg Operation
Control of Pedal Locomotion stance phaseswing phase axialrequiredoptional ‘leg spring’bended leg rotatoryoptionalrequired e.g. hip torque protraction retraction energetic stabilization kinematic stabilization
Spring Mass Running fixed angle of attack fixed leg stiffness Seyfarth et al. (2002) J. Biomechanics
Spring Mass Running RETRACTION Seyfarth et al. (2003) J. Exp. Biol.
Spring Mass Running
Running in Horizontal Plane
Gait Transition
Leg force (N) time (samples) Leg compression (m) WALK RUN WALK Experimental Results
Gait Transition Experimental Results
Gait Transition Experimental Results
Gait Transition Experimental Results
Gait Transition New Theory Max. Speed Inv. Pendulum
Gait Transition Experimental Results
Spring Mass Walking
ABC Ground Reaction Forces
Part III Implications
Link to Robotics Origin of Movements Neural Program Mechanical Behavior ?
Link to Robotics Tight-ControlRelaxed Control
Link to Robotics Hard-Control
Link to Robotics Contribution of back movements to locomotion?
Link to Robotics Contribution of back movements to locomotion?
Link to Rehabilitation Decentralized leg control during locomotion Elastic knee joint during stance phase?
Thank you! Locomotion Lab at Jena University