Multiple, Coeval and Hubble-like bipolar outflows Romano L.M. Corradi Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes La Palma, Spain
He Corradi et al ApJ 553, 221 HST [NII] May 1999 inner lobes outer lobes polar jets
Spatiokinematical modelling Axisymmetrical heuristic model with expansion velocity that is radially directed time-independent (no acceleration) latitude-dependent (parametrized in some way, e.g. Solf & Ulrich 1985, A&A 148, 274) These models produce structures that grow self-similarly in time, in a “Hubble-like flow” ( V exp r )
Inner lobes V max = 20 km s -1 V eq = 6 km s -1 i = 58 o age = 5700 yr (D=4.4 kpc)
Outer lobes V max = 120 km s -1 V eq = 12 km s -1 i = 58 o age = 5700 yr
Polar jets ( i = 58 o ) V = 240 km s -1 age = 5300 yr
Results for He Streamlines are radial and gas is expanding at constant velocity in a Hubble-like flow The multiple outflows (two nested bipolars + jet) are coeval Not associated with recurrent nova-like explosions New scenario for their formation is needed!
Multiple bipolar outflows Among “large” “PNe”: NGC 2440, Mz 3, He 2-104, M 2-9, MyCn 18, M 2-46, K 3-24, M 1-75 (Manchado et al. 1996, ApJ 466, L95). Maybe few more, but clearly having multiple lobes is not a common phenomenon in evolved PNe. For PPNe and young PNe, see e.g. Sahai’s talk : “Most PPNe are multipolar” (e.g. Sahai 2003 RMexAA Conf. Ser. 15, 17) e.g. He 2-47, M 1-37, CRL2688, Rob 22, He 2-180, AFGL 618,…
Multiple bipolar outflows Why multipolar outflows are so common in PPNe but not in PNe? Photoionization smooths asymmetries? (but not for massive stars) Do/which multipolar PPNe evolve into multiple bipolar PNe (“jets blowing bubbles” Soker 2002, ApJ 568, 726 )? None (how many symbiotic stars are misclassified as bipolar PNe)? Which is the origin and the role of each of the [multiple and intermittent] fast winds in bipolar PNe and PPNe? Are they produced during recurrent outbursts in interacting binary systems? (This does not seem to be the case of He 2-104!)
Are multiple outflows coeval? He yes (two pairs of lobes + polar jet) Mz 3 almost (lobes/columns), no (lobes-columns / rays) (Santander’s talk) M 2-46 almost (two pairs of lobes, some 30% age difference) (Manchado et al. 1996, ApJ 466, L95) PPNe likely? Detailed kinematical data and modelling for more PNe is needed!
Hubble-law in highly collimated PNe He t kin ~6000 yr (but distance very uncertain!) Mz 3 t kin ~ yr (Santander’s talk) NGC 6537 t kin ~3000 yr (Corradi & Schwarz 1993, A&A 269, 462) Sa t kin ~600 yr (Schwarz et al. 2002, ApJ 565, 1084) He 2-36 t kin ~1800 yr (Corradi & Schwarz 1993, A&A 273, 247) Mz 1 t kin ~7000 yr (Marston et al. 1998, A&A 329, 683) M 2-46 t kin ~ yr (Manchado et al. 1996, ApJ 466, L95) … V exp radius (no shaping!)
Snapshot modelo Mz 3 Santander’s talk
Hubble-law in highly collimated PNe He t kin ~6000 yr Mz 3 t kin ~ yr (Santander’s talk) NGC 6537 t kin ~3000 yr (Corradi & Schwarz 1993, A&A 269, 462) Sa t kin ~600 yr (Schwarz et al. 2002, ApJ 565, 1084) He 2-36 t kin ~1800 yr (Corradi & Schwarz 1993, A&A 273, 247) Mz 1 t kin ~7000 yr (Marston et al. 1998, A&A 329, 683) M 2-46 t kin ~ yr (Manchado et al. 1996, ApJ 466, L95) … V exp radius (no shaping!)
NGC 6537
Hubble-law in highly collimated PNe He t kin ~6000 yr Mz 3 t kin ~ yr (Santander’s talk) NGC 6537 t kin ~3000 yr (Corradi & Schwarz 1993, A&A 269, 462) Sa t kin ~600 yr (Schwarz et al. 2002, ApJ 565, 1084) He 2-36 t kin ~1800 yr (Corradi & Schwarz 1993, A&A 273, 247) Mz 1 t kin ~7000 yr (Marston et al. 1998, A&A 329, 683) M 2-46 t kin ~ yr (Manchado et al. 1996, ApJ 466, L95) … V exp radius (no shaping!)
Deviations from Hubble-law in bipolar PNe M 2-9 (constant radial velocity at all points in the lobes) Hb 5? (t kin ~700 yr) (Corradi & Schwarz 1993, A&A 269, 462) MyCn 18? (V exp r 0.6 0.4 ) (Dayal et al. 2000, AJ 119, 315) Few cases! Hubble-like flows are commonly found in bipolar PNe
Deviations from Hubble-law in bipolar PNe polar protrusions in the lobes of Mz 3 The same in NGC 3918? Corradi et al ApJ Kastner et al ApJ 591 L37
The “Hubble-law” is predicted by the GISW models if the two interacting winds have constant properties: then V exp becomes a constant with time and the flow reaches an asymptotic shape. However, the self-similar regime might not be reached because of the time variations of the wind properties. Timescales to reach the self-similar regime depends on winds parameters and geometry. ( Icke et al. 1992, AJ 97, 462; Dwarkadas et al. 1996, ApJ 457, 773) Observations show that the self-similar regime is indeed reached in few thousand years in bipolar PNe, and possibly even earlier. (better knowledge of distances is needed) Comparison with the GISW theory
Conclusions Multiple bipolar outflows are not common in PNe (contrary to PPNe), and might be related to misclassified objects (e.g. symbiotic stars). The path from bipolar PPNe to bipolar PNe is not clear. More kinematical data are needed to test how often coeval bipolar outflows (as in He 2-104) are produced. New ideas are needed to explain them. Hubble-like flows are a common characteristic of bipolar PNe with kinematical ages of few thousand years, as predicted by the GISW, but also likely of younger objects. Is the actual shaping of bipolar PNe done on a very short timescale?