Computational Photography Introduction Jinxiang Chai Computer Science and Engineering Texas A&M University
Computational Photography Staff - Prof: Jinxiang Chai, Texas A&M UniversityJinxiang Chai - office hours: TR: 11:00-11:50 AM - or by appointments Web Page -
Textbooks Mainly lecture notes, papers and online documents Suggested readings: Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
Today Introductions Why Computational Photography? Overview of the course
A bit about me Jinxiang Chai - Ph.D in School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon - Joined Texas A&M Univ. in 2006 Research - Animation, Graphics and Vision
VideoMocap Goal: capture human motion from single- camera video streams
Animation Control and Synthesis Goal: a novice user can animate and control a highly realistic human character quickly and easily
A super-brief History of Art and its futile Search for Realism Why Computational Photography?
Depicting Our World: The Beginning Prehistoric Painting, Lascaux Cave, France ~ 13, ,000 B.C.
The Empress Theodora with her court. Ravenna, St. Vitale 6th c. Depicting Our World: Middle Ages
Priests and Nuns in Procession. French ms. ca Depicting Our World: Middle Ages
Depicting Our World: Renaissance Piero della Francesca, The Flagellation (c.1469)
Depicting Our World: Toward Perfection Jan van Eyck, The Arnolfini Marriage (c.1434)
Depicting Our World: Toward Perfection Lens Based Camera Obscura, 1568
Depicting Our World: Toward Perfection Lens Based Camera Obscura, 1568
Depicting Our World: Toward Perfection Lens Based Camera Obscura, 1568
Depicting Our World: Perfection! Still Life, Louis Jaques Mande Daguerre, 1837
Depicting Our World: Realism?
Flickr Paris
Enter Computer Graphics...
GRAPHICS Traditional Computer Graphics 3D geometry physics Simulation projection
Traditional Computer Graphics
State of the Art Amazingly real But so sterile, lifeless
The richness of our everyday world Photo by Svetlana Lazebnik
Beauty in complexity University Parks, Oxford
Which parts are hard to model? Photo by Svetlana Lazebnik
People From “Final Fantasy” On the Tube, London
Faces / Hair Photo by Joaquin Rosales Gomez From “Final Fantasy”
Urban Scenes Virtual LA (SGI) Photo of l LA
Nature River Cherwell, Oxford
The Realism Spectrum + easy to create new worlds + easy to manipulate objects/viewpoint - Very hard to look realistic + instantly realistic + easy to aquire - very hard to manipulate objects/viewpoint Computer GraphicsPhotography Computational Photography Realism Manipulation Ease of capture
Virtual Real World Campanile Movie
Parametric Reshaping of Human Bodies Gn5BM7A&feature=player_embedded
Seam Carving for Content-Aware Image Resizing Click herehere
Next Lecture Pin-hole Camera Perspective projection matrix Image formation Plenoptic function