Reddit and Popular Internet Memes Pecha-Kucha
What is Reddit? Front page of the internet Social News Aggregator Community driven Social Book marking website Meme Hot bed “Sub culture”
History of Reddit Founded by Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian in Reddit was sold to Condé Nast Publications in 2006 Recently reddit was taken from conde’ and now controlled by their parent company Advance productions as of September 2011.
Reddit History Continued Reddit has taken lots of its Digg’s audience away. In Janurary 2006 Digg lost 1/3 of it’s viewers. Reddit Gold- In July of 2010 reddit had bad traffic problems do to lack of servers. So they launched Reddit Gold, a service gave users better service for $29.99 a year. This was just a ploy to gain attention. Some people paid but it mostly gained attention and reddit made money advertising off of the new users. Demographics of a US reddit user : Male with some college education making between 25,000-49,000 $.
How it works User creates a reddit aka topic – Sub reddits are more in-depth, can be never ending! Users up and down vote – Karma is acquired by up votes
A aggregator Users will vote on information, bad/useless information will get “buried”. Every thing is here. Trusted sources will rise.
Karma? Gold in Reddit – Fact checking Shows how active you are in the Reddit community. How helpful and benifical you have been in reddit.
How to lose Karma Making a successful reddit or subreddit turn into a place for ads. Advertisers have paid users to post comments and place ads on there sub reddits. Trolling Going into certain threads and leaving post that would anger that community. Religion, polotics and GLBT are the biggest but you can troll in any subreddit. /r/Conspiracy, /r/ask science Grammar Nazis Some people will down vote your post because of unintentional poor grammar. Fact Checkers Make sure if you post something that it is CORRECT and TRUE.
What can be found
Some Successful reddits pics1,060,000 gaming850,000 worldnews920,000 videos650,000 todayilearned690,000 IAmA670,000 funny1,070,000 Some notable Subreddits I find interesting: DIY, Random acts of pizza, proof reading, and listen to this
Very secure! Users only need to enter, a user name and a password. NO PERSONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED You cannot transfer medals and karma from one username to another. You can comment that you used to that user name. So don’t lose your password. Have no worries! Be your self or who ever you want to be! Content is user made and user monitored. Obvious “dirty” thing will be marked with NSFW. But this does not take into account user’s language and posts in a subreddits.
Reddit and Memes Reddit is a birth place of several notable memes. Waffles Don’t you mean carrots HAHAHAHA
What do Bacons and Narwhals have to at Midnight? Reddit user Saydrah was sitting in a terminal in Denver International Airport and noticed alota people using the free wifi. So she put a post out wondering if any other redditors where there. FreakinWolfy was there and responded with the immortal quote “The Narwhal bacons at midnight!!!!” August 7 th 2009 This is now the official way to identify your self in public as a redditior. This comment got 661 points that day. You can find many subreddits containing bacon and narwhals.
A short history on memes The term meme is from Richard Dawkins’s book The Selfish Gene This dude said that a meme is an idea that spreads to other minds like a virus AKA a good idea like wearing a seat belt in a car Internet meme spread the same way except they don’t spread because they are good ideas, its because they are funny Memes have been around for ever. The term was never coined till Dawkins 1976 book
A short history on memes continued Memes can spread though any medium. Vocal, print, visual, audio. Early meme pushers before the internet were advertisers. They wanted a product to get stuck in the heads of as many people as possible. “Good ideas stay around, while shitty ideas get flushed”
What is a internet meme? An image, phrase or video that carries an idea that is usually humorous. As a aggregator of the internet reddit has memes show up on it daily, but some spread fast on reddit then their own original site.
Meme’s where do they come form ? This literally impossible to answers since they come from users minds. There is also no way of telling what people think is funny and what will catch on. Sometimes its post/image that every one likes. Other times its situational like the “don’t you mean carrots” meme
Types of Internet memes Exploitable Photo Shop Gifs Internet celebrities Pop culture references Stupidity
My thoughts on Reddit and memes These two go hand in hand. Internet memes will never die. Reddit will be around for a long time. From my use of reddit I find it very useful. I have not used it to find academic information but I found lots information I could apply to my life, and a vast amount of funny and stupid thing to laugh and kill time with.