Jake Bracken Graeme Laidlaw Micheal Ryan
Levies on all non essential imported food Variable tax depending on carbon footprint as an item driven from Spain may have a similar footprint to a product which has been shipped from further Fat tax on processed food Behavioural tax No VAT on Irish grown food sold in Ireland, export TAX on Irish food sold abroad Incremental tax on food packaging while incentivising multiple re-use of packaging, e.g. Glass bottle, steam cleaned and refilled
Incentives for Green public transport Incorporate haulage with public transport – many haulage/delivery firms travel set routes at regular times and could be utilised as a from of public transport. The post-bus system operates as such in the Highlands of Scotland Monitor household electrical appliance usage Different rates for essential and non-essential appliances, market forces would aim to produce more energy efficient appliances. Would encourage lower uses of non-essential products and reduce energy consumption
Reintroduction of water rates Means test the ability to pay college fees New Taxes for artists Compulsory pension contribution Compulsory health insurance