Department of Geoinformatics and Cartography Finnish Geodetic Institute PATINE / TIPY TIPY-jaostokokous
Finnish Geodetic Institute TIPY-jaostokokous Esityslista Avaus INSPIRE –kuulumiset Network Services DT Direktiivin tilanne JHS tilannekatsaus Paikkatietojen mallintaminen lausunnolla asti Paikkatietojen sisältöpalvelut WCS –täydennystä yms Jaostotoiminta 2007 Muut asiat
Finnish Geodetic Institute TIPY-jaostokokous INSPIRE direktiivistä sopu, Neuvosto: Charges in providing information between public authorities should be reduced to the strict minimum to ensure the quality of the service together with a reasonable return on investment. The services for discovering and viewing spatial data sets should be made available free of charge, except in cases involving larges volumes of data, updated on a regular basis, or where charges or licences are essential for maintaining the spatial data sets and the data services. In order to protect public authorities' intellectual property rights, Member States would be obliged to disseminate environmental information only in the circumstances specified in the Århus Convention.
Finnish Geodetic Institute TIPY-jaostokokous INSPIRE direktiivistä sopu, Parlam: At Parliament's insistence, the Member States will have to make available free of charge the services for discovering and, subject to certain specific conditions, viewing spatial data sets. However, because some Member States were concerned about the financial sustainability of their weather forecasting services, a derogation to the principle of free public access will allow the public authorities to levy charges "where such charges are securing the maintenance of spatial data sets and corresponding data services, especially in cases involving large volumes of frequently updated data".
Finnish Geodetic Institute TIPY-jaostokokous INSPIRE direktiivistä sopu, Parlam: More generally, the question of ensuring the financial viability of public services for supplying spatial data was another key point of the agreement. Under the compromise, Member States may allow public authorities which supply spatial data sets "to license them to, and/or require payment from, the public authorities or institutions and bodies of the Community" which use them. However, any such charges and licences "must be fully compatible with the general aim of facilitating the sharing of spatial data" and must "be kept to the minimum required to ensure the necessary quality and supply of spatial data sets and services together with a reasonable return on investment". Moreover, spatial data provided under Community legislation relating to the environment may not be subject to charging.