Intro to Windows Programming Basic Ideas
Program Entry Point Int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) Acts as an entry point just as a main function would act in a C program.
Common Header Files WINDEF.H – Basic type definitions. WINNT.H – Type definitions for Unicode support WINBASE.H – Kernel functions. WINUSER.H – User interface functions WINGDI.H – Graphics device interface functions.
Message Box function int WINAPI messageBox (HWND,LPCSTR,LPCSTR, UINT) Acts as a way do display a message onto the screen.
Different String Functions ILength pString IComp They can do a variety of things such as calculate string lengths, copy strings, concatenate strings, and compare strings.
Handles HINSTANCE – Handle to an “instance” – the program itself HWND – Handle to the window HDC – Handle to a device context The type of the object allows your program to know how to use the handle
Data Structures MSG – Message structure WNDCLASS – Window class structure PAINTSTRUCTURE – Paint structure RECT – Rectangle structure First two data structures are used in WinMain and the second two are used in WndProc
Other Messages wParm – a 32-bit message parameter dependent on the particcular message lParam – same as above Pt – mouse coordinates at the time the message was placed in the message queue