ATLAS Authorship Policy R. Voss Physics Department, CERN IUPAP C11 ICHEP’04, Beijing, China, August 18, 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

ATLAS Authorship Policy R. Voss Physics Department, CERN IUPAP C11 ICHEP’04, Beijing, China, August 18, 2004

IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss2 Preliminaries  ATLAS publication policy still under development  Guidelines on authorship formally approved by Collaboration Board in June 2004  Full draft policy at SCINOTES/policy/policy.html

IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss3 Qualification for authorship  ATLAS member for at least one year  Not an author of another major LHC collaboration  Exceptions allowed for engineers  Spent > 80 working days and > 50% of available research time on ATLAS  “Technical work”: detector construction/ running/maintenance, shifts, software development, management  Does NOT include physics analysis  Technical work shared by institutes in proportion to number of authors

IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss4 Continued authorship  To continue initial qualification  Continue as ATLAS member  Spend > 50% of research time on ATLAS  Not an author of another major LHC collaboration  After ceasing ATLAS membership:  Retained as author for one year  Everybody who would have qualified before start of ATLAS data-taking receives an additional credit of 4 months/year

IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss5 Author lists  All general ATLAS papers to be signed by all ATLAS authors  Names of all authors will be presented on equal footing (alphabetically by name or institute)  Non-qualified authors may be included  Frequency and medium of publication do be decided after consultation with relevant journals

IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss6 Scientific notes  Papers published by (small) subsets of ATLAS  Detector R&D, construction and tests  Physics studies  ….  All physics analyses using ATLAS collision data to appear first as general publications  Role after start of data-taking under discussion  Consensus: continue  Self-contained studies of sub-system aspects  Back-up to provide analysis details for general papers  …

IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss7 Policy & decision making  ATLAS Publications Committee (PubComm) in charge of developing policies for authorship, internal refereeing etc.  Reports to Collaboration Board  Authorship Committee to be established (3 people, subset of PubComm)  Set up and maintain author list  Will rely essentially on input from institutes  Will deal with exceptional/controversial, in consultation with Spokesperson and CB Chair  Final decision by Spokesperson