ATLAS Authorship Policy R. Voss Physics Department, CERN IUPAP C11 ICHEP’04, Beijing, China, August 18, 2004
IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss2 Preliminaries ATLAS publication policy still under development Guidelines on authorship formally approved by Collaboration Board in June 2004 Full draft policy at SCINOTES/policy/policy.html
IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss3 Qualification for authorship ATLAS member for at least one year Not an author of another major LHC collaboration Exceptions allowed for engineers Spent > 80 working days and > 50% of available research time on ATLAS “Technical work”: detector construction/ running/maintenance, shifts, software development, management Does NOT include physics analysis Technical work shared by institutes in proportion to number of authors
IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss4 Continued authorship To continue initial qualification Continue as ATLAS member Spend > 50% of research time on ATLAS Not an author of another major LHC collaboration After ceasing ATLAS membership: Retained as author for one year Everybody who would have qualified before start of ATLAS data-taking receives an additional credit of 4 months/year
IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss5 Author lists All general ATLAS papers to be signed by all ATLAS authors Names of all authors will be presented on equal footing (alphabetically by name or institute) Non-qualified authors may be included Frequency and medium of publication do be decided after consultation with relevant journals
IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss6 Scientific notes Papers published by (small) subsets of ATLAS Detector R&D, construction and tests Physics studies …. All physics analyses using ATLAS collision data to appear first as general publications Role after start of data-taking under discussion Consensus: continue Self-contained studies of sub-system aspects Back-up to provide analysis details for general papers …
IUPAP C11 18/08/2004 R. Voss7 Policy & decision making ATLAS Publications Committee (PubComm) in charge of developing policies for authorship, internal refereeing etc. Reports to Collaboration Board Authorship Committee to be established (3 people, subset of PubComm) Set up and maintain author list Will rely essentially on input from institutes Will deal with exceptional/controversial, in consultation with Spokesperson and CB Chair Final decision by Spokesperson